I received my first muzzle loading rifle today, a percussion Dixie Hawken by Investarm. First off let me say I have zero experience with rifles other than what I've picked up on the internet. Revolvers, yes. Anyway the trigger will not trip the hammer. I removed the lock and trigger assembly. Horrible quality control. The stock, lock, and trigger were full of sawdust and chips due to very rough milling which was not finished off or cleaned up. I cleaned all that up, adjusted the set trigger and lubed everything. The set trigger was so tight as to be painful to pull. Assembled it all and main trigger still will not trip the hammer. It seems to me the bar that operates the sear takes a lot of pressure to get it to trip whether in the stock or operating it outside. This is a brand new gun so is there anything I can do to rescue it or given I really don't know what I'm doing just try to send it back before I turn it into a fireplace ornament. Dixie Gun Works. Thanks for any help or advice in this matter.