With the TOW 44" barrel parts set you can get a pretty fair representationm of the pied de vauch stock shaped Fusil circa 1730 +/- with walnut stock and the .66 bore for a 7 lbsish gun the .58 will be just under 8 lbs and the .62 in between the furniture is ok for around the period mentioned above, the .66 is a bit big for most contract guns but many use it to cut down the weight, the lock needs some cosmetic work and will be a bit small but most tolerate this, toss the plans that are made for the gun and get the small book (under$10) by Bouchard on the Fusil in new France as a guideine for details on the gun and proper parts before ordring the stuff, this will be about the closest to a FDC you will get unless going to the Rifle Shoppe or having Alex Efremko or Mike Brooks special order the right parts and make one for you, all the other mid level vendots offerings are pretty short on the historical accurate aspect of things.many try to spin their mistakes/lack of proper detail into their write ups about this type of gun as well, trust to your own reseach or one of a few who know these guns like Alex, Mike, Okwaho, Rich Pierce, and a few others on this forum who have studied the originals and even owned/own some, just avoid the wishfull thinking trap if you really want a close representation of a FDC which many call a Tulle which is a town in France where the guns were for the kings contracts from around 1680-1745, if you just want a run of the mill looks right from 30' most any of the mid level shops can supply one of these or a lit to make one, it just depends on what level you want to pay and how much$$$you want to spend, you will likewly hear how great many of the FDCs out there are with maple stocks, wrong locks and short barrels among other defects, but I trust to those who have actually held/studied the real thing for comparisons