Video-Shooting the 1860 Army by Pietta

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I hope that was a cold gun you were charging from the flask?
When I load cold I will load from the flask but never after the gun has been fired.

I noticed you had some issues with FTF. Use a dowel to seat your caps on the nipples snug and secure. That should prevent most of those FTF issues. I have switched to using the Remington #10 caps on my revolver. Although technically the nipples are 11 them remington caps fit the nipples like a glove.
Enjoyed your vid, I too have a Pietta 1860. Also like your neck knife. Looks like it came in handy diggin out those spent caps.

Thanks for the safety advice, I am aware, and I set my caps with the hammer, Ive not lost me fingers yet!
Thanks Don, I made it from a sawzall blade, finally a knife I dont sweat using!
A photogenic fellow you are! I'm glad you did not edit it so we know every one has a cap problem once in a while. Can you imadgine doing that on horse back or with bullets ziping past your ears. I have read that the old caps were better. Do we know that? If so why not make them today! I would pay a dime a piece if they actually worked as advertised! Geo. T.
I sure enjoyed watching you do that. I have the same gun and the miss fires really show us if we are flinching or not so there is some good that comes from it I guess.
Mine shot high and left. I put in a new blade front to get the right elevation but still have to sight over the right ear of the hammer V notch to get it to center windage.
Sounds like the newer guns from Pietta are better than mine that is something like 25 years old. I bought it new from Cabella's but had a lot of work to do to it to bring it up to speed.
They were point shooter man and horse killers any way, not really designed for target work.
Good job on the video. MD
I remember how the wind use to never blow like that around here. Its like we are in Kansas or something. Your even in a vally and its blowing like your on the plains.

All the ponds are empty and the wind blows in the Ozarks. The end is near, stock up on Black Powder and Balls.

Also buy 55 gal gallon drums and fill them up with water so when the city or wells runs out you will have some.
The guy is shooting and now it's Doomsday because the wind blows?

I did have to kill the volume a little bit,
I thought all of that roaring wind noise was because he had eaten a big bowl of Stumpkillers chile so I was being polite by not saying anything. :shocked2:
yea sorry bout the wind noise I almost cut that out....this is a low budget operation and we dont have sound equipment yet! Just havin fun! I had also shot video of the target groups but when I got back they were not usable files for some reason.
Nice vid, Al.
Wasn't aware that you had a '60 Colt replica.
Swallowin' caps...happens to the best of us!
I got it while I was in crockett over tgiving Mike gave it to me. Ive got the 61 on the way as well!