40 Cal
I don’t work walnut any longer. It makes me very sick.
I haven't had any real problems with wood , but I am now allergic to lead fumes , mask or no mask my nose starts to bleed after 5 minutes or less , so I no longer cast my own projectiles
Some of the rifles shown on this forum cause me to do the same thing...I think it is an individual thing, maple dust doesn't cause me near as much grief as walnut does. I have a friend that decided to make a bow out of IPE (Brazilian Rosewood), he took one whiff of the dust and passed out cold, others use it with no problems.
Tannin is not the issue. Black walnut puts out a substance called juglone which is toxic to a wide variety-but not all- of plants. Last home had a bunch of black walnut which could be trying.'Depends on recipient of the dust as is evident by all the above posts. Black Walnut is a heavy tannin wood. A lot of plants won't grow under a Black walnut with all that tannin leaching out of the nut husks leaching out into the ground. It never really bothered me, but I don't like it either. 'Makes my nose burn a bit and I don't care for the smell either. If you've got a sensitive shnoz mask up 'Love the wood though.
Right you are. 'Didn't know that. And yes B/Walnut is a messy tree in a yard, we've got several of them.Tannin is not the issue. Black walnut puts out a substance called juglone which is toxic to a wide variety-but not all- of plants. Last home had a bunch of black walnut which could be trying.