What a time to try this hobby.

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Now's the time to start checking the stores. Especially Walmart and the likes, when they start putting out their fall hunting stuff for muzzleloading season is when I usually pick up a few tins.
ERNBAR everything we shoot (save a few) is corrosive, so we wash out everything when done! I took my 1858 44 to the fire range today and the home made caps fired 100% no failures and none fell off! But I do one step further when making them, I press them in a paint stick drilled with a #2 drill which squeezes them tighter then fill with primer. I then put one drop 50/50 mix acetone and white rain heavy hold hair spray, none fall apart and all fire. Oh I also press them out shortly after the drop so they don‘t stick to the paint stick.
the spray is the spritzer type so it can be mixed with acetone!
Now's the time to start checking the stores. Especially Walmart and the likes, when they start putting out their fall hunting stuff for muzzleloading season is when I usually pick up a few tins.
In commie CT the walmart doesnt sell caps or powder.
I'm still thinking about trying those red plastic cap rings made for toy cap guns. I don't see why they couldn't make the revolver go bang.
Years ago, I tried those toy caps in an inline muzzleloader. They did work. I only did it one time. I was just curious back then.
Back on the late 1980's or early 1990's there was a primer scarcity. The few available cost a lot. Hopefully we will see them return to somewhat normal price and availability.
Took advantage of Graf & Sons free ship and free hazmat and added some extra Schuetzen and Swiss to the stock pile, With the way things are going now in this country and this new Goex model rocket company no thanks , I’ll buy When the deals are there ya know what I mean.
Hopefully things will get better. If you've read many posts caps are out there online and in brick and mortar! Hang in there ! FJB !!!
Availability MAY improve in 2 or 3 years, but the prices will be double ot triple what they were before the China Virus.
The days of relatively cheap shooting are long gone.
Bein as I'm kinda flush this month I bought one of each size cap making tool and a couple of the packages of powder for the making of caps. I have lotsa caps and bunches of powder already and at my age I'll probably never get all of it used, but my progeny will probably appreciate it.
Compare the costs of what you need for your MZ hobby and what it costs to take your old lady out to dinner. Cost me darn near twenty bucks to get a hamburger fries and drink outta one of the local greasy spoons. A sit down dinner is a lot more than that. Everything is relative, what's important to you?
i am plannimg to pack em and stack em high.
This isn't anything unique to muzzle loading it is happening in all shooting. Getting ammo or reloading supplies for unmentionables has been the same nightmare, As things have slowly come back available the massive price increases have been unreal.
Since the shortage started, and fairly recently, I’ve snagged two 1000 round cases of caps. One for Remington #10s and one for CCI #11s. Only paid $8-$9 for each tin.

Supplementing the 700 or so I already had, I’ve got close to 3000 caps. I shoot mainly flint these days, but love my new Crockett pistol and my cap and ball revolvers, so might use on average 5-6 tins a year of caps at this point. So I’ve got close to half a decades worth of supply at this point and it’s buying me literally years of time to scrounge more to refresh the old caps when I can find new ones at a solid price.

My point is you’ve just got to put in the effort to find them. They’re being made. Get put on email lists, scrounge your local stores and pawn shops, and don’t be afraid to buy and stack high when you find them. I don’t care for these negative Nancy threads too much.

What I do love to see are the DIY cap makers. THAT is nifty and looks like a heap of fun.

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