My boy's CVA with a jukar barrel will foul up if you push the ramrod all of the way down when swabing. Leaving the ramrod about an inch from the bottom No problem.As stated you want a jag that goes down easily and pulls out with more resistance.You want to pull the fouling out, not push it in. It may take a little playing around to find the right diameter jag and size patch to get things working.
Do you have a flash hole pick ? Just clear out the flash hole every few shots if your using a lubed patch and round ball you should be okSo; I’m shooting my flintlock for first time. Shot great first 3 time then wouldn’t fire.
after each shot I swabbed with dry patch; using wonder lube with patch before ball. Shooting 3f Goetz powder started with 50 grains. Successfully pulled ball with range rod. Didn’t have a pick liner.
returned home; cleaned well with hot water and dawn soap. Oiled with crc 3-36 and left upside down in house for the night.
today; took back out shot 5 times then wouldn’t fire again. This time found a piece of copper wire and ran it through vent line after each shot along with dry patch swabbed barrel. Again was able to pull ball with range rod
just finished cleaning again; what am I doing wrong? Suggestions? Before next shooting?
You could use Hoppes black powder lube and solvent as a patch lube and keep on shooting without any swabbing, each shot cleans after the last one.
Some say not to leave a ball patched with this stuff in the barrel for an extended period of time (months) as it might form a rust ring. If you are going to clean after you shoot it won't be a problem.
Use a cleaner for swabbing, not a lube! No dry patches before a wet cleaner one! When I swab between shots, I stop short of the breech plug 1" by use of a mark on the RR.S
Suggestions? Before next shooting?
Wonder lube is a lube. Not the best but it does work and it is not for swabbing the bore. Whenever I use wonder lube, for a patch lube, I need to swab every three shots or my accuracy goes south quick and I use Wonder lube sparingly. A little on the patch and rake off the excess. Lots of things you can use to swab with. Some people use auto windshield cleaner or windex or even plain water to name a few.
I'm not a fan of using an acid such as vinegar for cleaning or wiping the barrel. Unless the vinegar is thoroughly washed out, there is a possibility of forming rust. For wiping between shots, rubbing alcohol does a great job and dries quickly. Too much anti petroleum based misinformation out there. Advocates of the animal based lubes use WD40, Ballistol and Barricade, all petroleum based. Use a good neutral ph based lubricant and you will be protecting your barrel from fouling build up.A Windex with Vinegar and water 50/50 mix works best if you have to swab. But I can not believe that in the middle of a battle with whatever, fur trappers swabbed their bore tween shots nor faced a sticking ball using their wooden ramrods because they didn't. The one item we use that was not used back when, was petroleum. I use moose milk, bore butter, and no swabbing tween shots but I never use petroleum products (oil) in or on my rifles. Ever wonder why people say to store centerfire rifles barrel down in the safe? So the oil in the action and barrel won't soak into the stock.