What barrel lube/oil do you use?

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I use Murphys Oil Soap and hot water to clean, hot water flush then dry patches till dry. While the barrel is still warm I lube with Bore Butter inside and out.

Works for me and I never have ignition problems or rust with my sidelocks.

I use "moose milk" ( one part each denatured alcohol, hydrogen peroxide, and Murphy's oil soap) for all cleaning, then protect with WD40. Real cheap, readily available, and works great.
At home, I clean with hot tap water and dish soap, rinse with hot tap water. In the field, spit or cold water works just fine. Dry and lube with Bore butter on a patch. Never had any problems in the last 10 or so years.

I use Murphy's oil soap and water (just a half a cap full in warm water for the cleaning solution)((Dawn dish soap when I'm out of the Murphy's)). Dry real good with patches, then hit it with WD40. I swab before I shoot with alchohol to clean any contaminants. When my fresh clean charge is seated, I swab the bore with a coat of Morral's lard down to the ball top. I don't use any lube on my patches as to keep the powder charge dry, though I keep my grease patch handy and run it down bore twice after I seat each of my PRB. (to keep the bore condition consistant.)
Oh ya, if I'm going to put my rifle up for a few weeks(during fishing season or the like) I swab out the WD40 with of all things; Hoppes #9. I still use and trust the stuff and always have a quart bottle of the stuff on my gun bench. I tried switching over to Ballistol (my friend sent a bottle and the literature a couple summers ago)but the glacier dust and loam of the river breaks here in southcentral Alaska stick to the stuff (kind of waxy) like fly paper. It stuck up the locks on my scatter gun in the 40 below weather to boot, though I did have it lathered on pretty thick. On a side note, that Ballistol used (bout a half a cap full) in my case tumbler cleaned my blackpowder cartrige cases better than new. Smelled good as well.
I use Ballistol too :thumbsup: !

My 50cal Mowrey with PRB will shoot 1/2" all day long ... it's my 2nd & 3rd shots that tend to open up the group somewhat :rotf: ...

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