What flints are better!

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58 Cal.
Oct 22, 2006
Reaction score
Hello from GE,

since a few days I'm a flinter shooter. But I really don't know which flints are better. I first used the english natural flints. They sparked well and ignition was good. But today I tested such a synthetic flint called achat. This thing was a hell of sparking and a real spark shower falls in the pan and ignited my 4f as fast as a cap gun.

So what are you using?


I've used the Black English flints, which were good, some of the cut flints, which weren't, and my latest effort was to buy some white Missouri flints from Rich Pierce, here on the forum. Don't know if it's the flints themselves, or just my rifles, but I'm not going to be using anything else, as long as Rich is in business!

This is just an opinion, and worth about what it cost you!

Kirrmeister said:
Hello from GE,

since a few days I'm a flinter shooter. But I really don't know which flints are better. I first used the english natural flints. They sparked well and ignition was good. But today I tested such a synthetic flint called achat. This thing was a hell of sparking and a real spark shower falls in the pan and ignited my 4f as fast as a cap gun.
So what are you using?
I assume different flints do better or worse in different[url] locks...in[/url] my medium size TC locks, black english flints have proven to be outstanding compared to TC's agates or Arkansas agates I've tried...so BEFs are all I've used for several years now.
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I've been buying flints for a very long time, black English flints from Tom Fuller are very good, so are flints from Rich Pierce.
The biggest difference I've seen have not been from different flints, but getting rid of the leather holder and going to lead. I made the switch 10 or so years ago and even the flints I thought were "Bad" turned out to be "good" flints.
Normally use French but I did get some Tom Fuller black english to try.
I have always used the black english flints and nothing else. I did try cut flints once out of curiousity but just that once and I didn't inhale. :grin:
Cooner54 said:
I did try cut flints once out of curiousity but just that once and I didn't inhale. :grin:

You sure your name isn't Slick Willy? :blah:
I'm a big Rich Pierce flint fan too. :haha: Thats all I have been using lately.
I didn't know Rich was making flints. What kind of flint is he making his flints out of?
Basically Chert I believe although I could be wrong. They sure do help throw a good spark. :thumbsup:

I can't help commenting on the metal finish on that rifle, I assume it is your handy work Roy, I think your work if very nice, I like that "bit of age" you have come up with, it adds a nice touch to a gun, not 200 years old yet not fresh out of the smiths shop either.

Probably the easiest way would be to do a member search, it will come up with his info, and you can send him a PM. Somewhere around this dump I have a business card with his email address, which I will probably find right after you order some flints from him.

He's a genuinely nice guy, and his flints may not look as "manicured" as the BEFs, but for me, at least, they work lots better!.

By the way I will give the flints from rich a try and ordered 2 dozens last week. they look lioke these "Achats" I'm using for the moment.

Regards and thanks to all responders!

Hi Dirk,
I sure Rich has a better price. I've been using black English by Tom Fuller. But as soon as we finish our relocation, I'm going to order a batch of Rich Pierce's flints.
LH Joel said:

He's a genuinely nice guy, and his flints may not look as "manicured" as the BEFs, but for me, at least, they work lots better!.


Right on! It's very rare to find a person who sends the product first, then lets you pay after you check the product out. Plus his prices are very good. He also makes some fine BP guns.