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What is this 50cal worth?

Muzzleloading Forum

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If the bore is good as you say, it's a shooter. A good starter rifle. Put it on the Classifieds( Read the guidelines) 175-200 bucks.
Nit Wit
I bought one of those at a pawn shop. It was loaded, with a broken off rod tip in with the load. I shot it out with a bit of effort, then completely restyled it to look like a 'not very well known' version of a Hawken. The only purchases were a Hawken style lock bolt plate [nut?] and rear sight. I shortened the nose piece to about 3/8 inch, reshaped the trigger guard, thinned her down some, browned her and refinished the stock. She's a cute little gal and not for sale. Polecat 🦨 :horseback: oooops! also reshaped the cheekpiece.
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