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What is your favorite dream hunt?

Muzzleloading Forum

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45 Cal.
Aug 27, 2011
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Went to a nearby public hunting area the first weekend of our muzzleloading deer season. Saw one small doe approx 100 ydsaway. (No shot). Sawquite a few hunters.
Went back the last saturday of the season and saw no deer. (Lots of hunters) Felt like I was a the mall having that many people around.
So...next year going to try to hunt private land in Texas ( Hill Country) with my cousin. He is a hardcore black powder shooter. Going to try Whitetail deer and hogs. Spend around two weeks doing that and I will be ready to go home.
Good luck to everyone still hunting.
My dream hunt would be going back to Canada for moose, BUT no power boats only bark canoes, and no propane, and no plywood lodge, only a proper notched up and chinked log cabin with a proper fireplace..., ok maybe an iron stove too for good heating. Flintlock and proper 18th century clothing too.

I feel your frustration / disappointment at having to hunt in that environment.
I'm very lucky to be living my dream hunting environment...built / maintained a relationship with a couple landowners over the past 20+ years now.
Just 2 little small woodlots where I hunt...but each of them are surrounded by a few hundred acres of other landowner's woods and the game don't know about boundary lines...all posted land, never see another soul...doves, deer, squirrel, turkey, crows.
At 67 I no longer have any interest in far off hunts...like being in my own house at night...I hunt a half day, then back to the house for hot shower, eats, R&R...go again the next day...or not.
Dream hunt for me would be a fly in drop off hunt on an Alaskan lake in moose/sheep country for a full 2 weeks. 1 or 2 close friends. fishing rods,smoothbore (small game, waterfowl), and flintlock rifles. Moose and sheep being prime objective but black bear and wolf tags incase. Maybe even caribou depending on location and season.
Seeing I've had a lifelong insatiable desire to hunt and never enough time to "quell the hunger", I'd start w/ extended hunts beginning w/ ruffed grouse, Colorado elk, then off to Kodiak for brown bear and wrap up w/ an African hunt for assorted ruminants, excluding elephants. Don't eat "cats", so won't hunt for them. Sand grouse shooting at waterholes using a SXS Purdey would be the finale. Dream on.....Fred
Verl, I'm happy with what I have, hunting the great north American whitetail with the American longrifles I make. I guess if there was one dream, one hunt, Beyond anything currently available, it would be hunting with my English sporting rifle, on the back of an elephant, beaters driving a beautiful Bengal tiger in my direction the way it was done back in the day.
Well When I Dream hunting, I dream mule deer. It’s cool & frosty. Brushy point is at my back with the sun blushing up the sky beyond. I’m at the top of that fine bit of ridge that meanders her way norwest down to the creek and hay fields below. Near about a mile & a half of Juniper & pinyon for me to skulk through. Mirror ridges to the right and left, each starts at the top about 70 yards from me and end at the bottom 300-400 yards off. The valleys between these ridges are a mix of sage & grass. In that first blush of dawn the trail shows near white against the shadows and darker soil.
I have wool gloves with the fingers cut off, but the right glove is in my pocket. The cold of the rifle barrel bits at the web of my thumb, but I know the thing that will make me want that glove is the wood stock below drawing the warmth from my fingers that hold on a bit too tight.
It’s hard not to grin like a kid, there here. Maybe I’ll see um, maybe I won’t. What matters is I know there are deer , don’t ask me how I know, it’s been that way with me and mule deer since I was a boy. Never with elk, I could stand on an elk and not know it. Mule deer within a half mile change my blood. I don’t think I know the deer are there so much as I know I’m where deer are, where my soul lives.
I can see the ridge to my left now . . . 70 yards . . . light enough to start. That grin comes on now. Can’t stop it no how. I step onto the trail . . .

Well this may not be what folks would call a dream hunt, but it’s the hunt I dream.
I've been fortunate in that private land has been available to me for many years and still is. Where I live I have the opportunity to hunt most anything I care to hunt: deer, bear, turkey, squirrels and other assorted critters. The only thing(s) other than that would be pronghorn and elk. We already have a small herd but they're confined to a few counties in the southwest portion of the state. Truthfully, I'm quite satisfied.
I "lived" a dream hunt last Friday. Climbed into a deer stand on our lease with but a doe tag in my pocket since I've already been fortunate enough to bag a nice 12 point with bow. Shortly thereafter the whitetail buck activity started and was literally non-stop for 2 1/2 hours. Everytime a doe would come into the small field I was overlooking one or more amorous buck would glide on in to give chase. I think I heard every sound bucks make from simple grunts, to growls, to snort-wheezing to something that almost sounded like a hollow cough from the gut. When two or more were in the field they would bristle up, sidle, posture, although no outright fights erupted. I guess all these guys had the pecking order worked out already.

I also saw a fawn that must have found a crack cocaine stash! I've seen fawns run and buck, but this little guy would literally run 600 feet up the steep hill, then come blazing down back into the field jumping as high as he could...make 180 degree turns. One time he went around the hill out of sight and several minutes later came running in from another direction! This went on for about 20 minutes. It doesn't take a nice buck to put on a good show!

Nearly all of this was happening within 50 yards of me. I don't know how many bucks I saw...well over a dozen and not one of them was a yearling. To top it off, one of our finest 10 pointers came in to chase off a fairly large 9 point that had been right under my stand (I mean RIGHT UNDER) and then stood 10 yards away, broadside, looking the other way. Then he went on to chase off with a big old doe that had just sauntered in. Good Lord, what an afternoon!

An amazing show I will remember until the day I go on to the next life. I was wishing I'd had a good quality video camera in my hand.

Oh...the doe tag is still in my pocket. Even though several were within range, I never took a shot.
My dream is to ride horse into the Red Fern or Muskwa wilderness areas for a mixed bag hunt. Elk, moose, caribou, stone sheep mnt. goat and wolf all on open season, but caribou and stone sheep would be my prefered target!
i would say my dream hunt is a grizzly. but, at this point in life id settle for a good size black bear or even a large mule deer. hopefully next year ill get one of those...

My dream hunt would have to be elk with my .54 caplock wearing period correct clothes and gear, including warm and dry custom made mocs.

I live at the southern edge of the Hill Country, which part will you be hunting next year?
I took my youngest daughter grouse hunting about a month ago and while returning home we got to watch a sow grizz and her two cubs fishing, pretty but more dangerous than the village idiot with a hand grenade!!!
My cousin Mike hasn't said where yet. Texas out of state residence license and the complex regulationsconfused this simple Okie. He lives at Hamilton, Texas, but hunting location isstill unknown.
I read everyone's reply and put myself right along with each one of you on your dream hunts. If anyone wants a camp cook, dish washer, handy man, extra hunter, let me know. I'm available. :wink:
Well, me and Selma Hayek are up in the Blue Ridge mountains of Pennsylvania hunting squirrels and---------------- :blah: :blah:

Ya did say that it was a dream hunt,right??

Moose and caribou with my longrifle. Possibly in period clothing, but that's not super important.