What is your favorite game hunted using muzzleloaders?

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Yes it seems that squirrels are the main small quarry but here in the UK they are foreign pests better known has tree rats ,they can be shot all year mostly by air gunners .They are destructive taking young birds and eggs from nests and are rated the same has magpies and crows they have reduced the native red squirrel to near extinction. They are the offspring of escape's from fur farms just like the mink and are diminishing the resident small bird and animal wildlife . Do I like the grey squirrel NO
Well I use to eat the Grey squirrels . And stalking a mob of Roo's is tricky but do able' They group up and post a sentry but with a careful stalk you can get a shot. I used a double rifle in 500 /3".BP Ex in the day time( I happened to have one) but it was'nt needed . Mostly there culled at night, When I used to use a 38 ML one in 18" pitch percussion target rifle .Culling a National symbol may seem unkind but because the Cattle Stations put in' tanks' (Water holding dams ) the number of Roo's exceed the numbers in Captain Cooks days and the owners priority was the cattle & sheep in naturaly dry country and they wrecked his fences , if oddly he let the Wallaby's be . I shot one Roo for tucker on the west bank of the Darling a few mile south of Pooncarie with a wheellock which I use to carry with me . A road so unused that I swam the river to meet up with the mail truck I knew was due to return to Swan Hills .
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Can ONLY shoot pigs.
Everything else is either out of bounds or just not here. 😢
As far as I know we don't shoot them for trophies like you might a nice rack on deer and the like. They are just not that sort of animal. Smaller kangaroos are the best eating, the big old man roos are tougher than boot leather. Kangaroo leather makes great boot uppers, and stock whips.
Best to get one no taller than say 5 foot and take the inner thigh. Otherwise damn tough and gamey.
The tail sinew makes awesome boot laces or string though.
I hunt elk, whitetail, and black bear exclusively with a bow or a muzzleloader. Either weapon I would choose elk first, it just stirs something deep in my soul to see elk.
Rutting whitetail on a cold November morning isn't a too far off second, and bear is a distant third.
Okay, one more question, deer here are judged by the size of their antlers, (width, height or number of points). What constitutes a trophy kangaroo? Size, pounds/kilos?

In New England body weight reins Over antlers. boil them all you want can't eat them. Seems in TX they prefer fawns with inedible horns. No idea where you are.
Okay, one more question, deer here are judged by the size of their antlers, (width, height or number of points). What constitutes a trophy kangaroo? Size, pounds/kilos?
Kangaroos are not a trophy animal. Generally speaking you are not allowed to shoot roos without tickets and it is called a cull.
Very occasionally this is not the case such as the recent sever drought.
Worth noting that a good number of roos find themselves as dog food on the farms with most of the cull going for Pet or Human consumption.
On this basis a Trophy roo is one that feeds all the dogs OR the bigger the better for the meat market.
As mentioned previously the ones taken for the Market are not usually good eating but the only roo most consumers know. Like Came It is considered very second rate by most people.
The UK game shooting season starts with the red grouse on August the 12th known has the glorious 12th with some moors doing well and others only moderate .The large estates moors will be invaded by foreign millionaire shooters mostly from America . Arab countries including Germany , Italy , Australia. red grouse shooting is a fast sport when driven over the butts especially with the wind in their tails I have shot red grouse in the past but I prefer to shoot them walking up over a pair off pointers or setters
In The Butts
Well the 12th august the start of the red grouse season and the opening of the UK game season got off with a poor start .For most moors it had been a poor breeding season on account of the weather at the beginning of the year so a large number have not bothered to shoot this year hopefully things will improve next year