What is your favorite patch material?

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I agree pillow ticking is very good patch material, so is duck, linen, mattress ticking, denim and I think I have some twill around someplace that I have used, but for bench shooting teflon is the best stuff I have used. Just so you know, I used my first teflon patch 1994. The stuff I use now is sprayed on a canvas type material, and is ever tough.

Richard Eames said:
azmntman said:
I have ZERO knwoledge of teflon other than I have a roll in my plumbing box. Does it hold up? Can you find and examine (and re-use) the patches? I usually settle on a load that is leaving my patches in a re-usable condition, not that I bother to pick em all up, but I have used em twice. Where do ya get teflon? Cost?

Im older now but I will try many things once still :blah:

Teflon coated patches hold up well, they do not burn thru like fabric from JoAnn's. Guess you could re-use them, I am too lazy to pick them up, especially during a match.

I was getting it here in Texas but not sure if the lady is still selling it. Do know Log Cabin has it in Friendship in June. A yard of it runs about $20 or so.

I stocked up and will never run out.

You can put it in the freezer and it will last forever.

:confused: So is what you are talking about a cotton material coated (sprayed on or similar) with teflon? Where did you buy it? Is the teflon the actual lube so no using any lube at all?
I looked on log cabin shop and see nothing. Looked on Amazon and see alot but have no idea if the stuff I'm looking at would be acceptable. Dont wanna mess in the bore :doh:
The Minute Man is one place to buy teflon patching. I Googled them. Yes, I shoot it dry. Others I know spray theirs with moosemilk or water. In extreme heat I have been know to lightly dampen it, but is rare. If it is that hot I am looking for the A/C.
I brought everything I could find of "Texas Patching" it is no longer available.
I've got a small supply of it from Minute Man and use it for hunting. It is great stuff but a little spendy. For day to day paper punching and plinking regular ticking or denim works for me.
Teflon from The Minute Men if cost is no object. [www.theminute-men.com] :bow:
They're in Wooster,OH. Last time I talked to them, they weren't coming to Friendship. My shooting isn't anywhere near good enough to believe switching to Teflon coated patches would help my scores. :idunno: :redface:
I've had good results with the Wal-Mart blue striped and tan striped 100% Cotton "ticking" but found it blows apart badly when I increase my powder charge in the 40 cal for 100 yd events. If I'm shooting 40-45 gn 3f it's fine. Going to 60-70 is a problem.
My current all-around choice for shooting offhand is JoAnn's "BRND 40 Drill".
I use 10 or 12 oz. Denim for my 50 cal Chunk and Table gun (using Dutch's "Dry Patch"). With a .500 ball...it's VERY tight but shoots one hole groups with almost boring consistency. :wink:
My Favorite and only patch I used for shooting was denim from a fabric store, Donald, If any of your patching is blown abart, it makes no difference if the group is tight but usually it means the fabric was too thin and allowed blow by. The
discovery that surprised me so much that too slick a patch lube was a bad thing should automatically rule out teflon coated patching BIT if it works for you stick with it. It might require an extra tight fit.

Another whole question involves the thickness of the wiping patch. A gentleman from the newer Hampshire phoned me the other day about his wiping patch on the downthrustpushing all the residue into the breech and blocking his touch hole.. It has since occurred to me that a slightly thinner wiping patch material might bypass the residue on the down thrust but as the excess material bunches up on the withdrawal it might sweep that excess residur out rather than push it all into the breech.
A trifle smaller jag using his current US Govt patches might achieve the same effect..

Dutch Schoultz
Think of Teflon Patching the same way you would consider any other pre-lubed patching, Teflon for slickness and the cloth for thickness.
As I said before, if they work for you stick with it. It is a little known fact that Davy Crockett was in San Antonio looking for Teflon patching on Daniel Boone's recommendation./

Dutch Schoultz
It is a little known fact that Davy Crockett was in San Antonio looking for Teflon patching on Daniel Boone's recommendation./

Sir, your sarcasm is not needed, is it?

Daniel and Davy did not know about your chemical mixture to your dry lube did they?

The question was about favorite patching material.
They knew Richard. But Ballistol had to be sent overseas at the time and King had some serious tax's placed on anything related to weapons. Teflon on the other hand was easily obtainable from the Jo-annes in San Antone.
Sir, your sarcasm is not needed, is it?

Richard, be nice or you may be asked to apologize to Dutch. Others post sarcasm and are not called out for it by yourself (or, forunatly) any others. This aint a 6th grade english class
My favorite for quite a few years has been brown ticking (.015") from Walmart. I bring a micrometer and check for consistency with what I am currently using. I buy quite a bit at a time.
In the past I used denim, quite a bit thicker. But that required a mallet and muscle power to seat the ball.
Have tried a variety of 'duck' cloths. Always come back to ticking.
You make a very good point and I was thinking the same thing just after I hit the POST button
I think Davey and Daniel probably based a lot of their chemistry on spit. and possibly some alcohol.
Thank you for the correction. it was well deserved.

O'm not adjusting at all well being cooped in an apartment with no wheels of freedom available.
I think that might be my only excuse but not a good enough one

Dutch Schoultz
Its the best excuse Dutch. Being cooped up and unable to even feel free is a pretty bad place to be. I sincerely hope you find a solution soon!
Richard Eames said:
My response was sent to Dutch, thank you for your response.

Your certainly welcome Mr. Eames. Just a friendly warning as I recall a few weeks back when my response to YOU was met by several responses from others suggesting an apology. I for one certainly think you owe Dutch an apology. Your 90% negative and/or condescending remarks here are troublesome for many who come here to enjoy our sport.

The moderators can police the forum, YOUR NOT NEEDED for that.

Have a nice day

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