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I attempted making one(1), that's ONE, white cotton shirt. by the time i had it done it was a camouflage red matching the red leaves of fall. wife wanted to wash it with oxyclean but i told her to leave it alone. Never wore it.

today i inlet the tabs I soldered to the fowler barrel into the stock. maybe drill and pin it tomorrow and start inletting the lock.

the friend that I am building this fowler stopped by with the trade fodder he is giving me for the fowler. confession time. Please forgive me for I have strayed, His trade goods is an 1884 Springfield trapdoor 45/70.  OH how I do love those things. especially when they are in 97% condition.

let my friend fondle the fowler I built a couple years ago and am storing for the buyer until they escape from commieforina. He had a case of glassy eyes when he handed it back. think he will enjoy the Fowler when it is done.
