heres how i figure starting shot sizes on unkown weights of critters.. people are shot with buckshot 00 these weight about 1/8oz.. or .125 oz.. lets say a coyote weights 25 pounds in your area, i used to trap them and for the life of me still dont know what they weigh.. around here they are big, probably more than that, . you can weigh one or ask around there.. but for arguments sake lest say its 25 pounds.. people shot is .125 oz per 200 pound mad bad guy at 1250 feet per second.. that would be one eighth that for your coyote or .0156 ounce.. thats 64 pellets per ounce or about number two shot... then you go one shot size larger for loss of pellet density, and then one shot larger again for black powder velocity , which would be about BBB. i pesonally would go larger than that,, maybe ttt or f, and get close to the coyote.... only trial and error will tell for sure.. . what you want is to have bigg enough shot where your pattern will give you three hits consitenty to the body vitals at 40 yards.. these hits must have the power to break leg bones, pennetrate the skull, or drive thru to a lung, or the heart.. this will be pretty big stuff, and i admidt ive never done it.. ove used number two bismuth on geese and i feel it is very minimal, and not big enough at over 35 yards with black. the shot sizes in bismuth is supposed to represent the shot sizes in lead. so the makers say.. . the best thing to do is shoot one with a rifle and let him have it at 30- 35 yards with your best choice of shot and do an autopsy.. cold weathre will also slow down black powder more, so you will need to compensate for that for maximum efficiency..
i just redid the calculations going up from pheasant with 6 shot at three pounds, to coyotes wieighing 25 pounds and came up with 28 pellets per ounce and that is f shot... its density is more, and the larger of the other calculations, so that would be my starting recomondation.. all of these diferent shot sizes are available from ballistic products at 1888 273 5623. they will have some recomondations also but remember your velicity will be quite abit less than modern guns.. my opinion only... dave..