Most case skinned small animal hides will also make pretty good belt or slit-belly pouches for tobacco, your fire kit, or just general "stuff".
Tan the hides first, of course. Then sew up that bottom cut. If you then cut a slit across the underside in line between the front paws, it makes a great pouch to slip up through your belt/sash with the head hanging down in front. The Slit-Belly pouch is real similar, just make your slit lenghtwise in the middle of the belly - just long enough so that you can get your hand in to get too the stuff inside. You use it the same way by looping it up under and over your belt/sash, but you put stuff in both ends. The "slit" opening is held shut by being looped behind your belt/sash.
Longer pelts tend to work better for the belt or slit-belly pouches.
And some people have made a hanging/strapped pouch version by making that upper opening slit between the front paws, and attaching shoulder straps to those front paws. The head then hangs down in front as the flap. Some strengthening might be necessary for the shoulder straps depending upon how much "stuff" you carry in it.
Just some humble thoughts to share.
Mikey - yee ol' grumpy German blacksmith out in the Hinterlands