What to use for softening moccasins

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user 2647

40 Cal.
Mar 27, 2005
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I've got a pair of Dyer double sole moccs and was wondering what is best to use to soften them up? Neets foot oil, mink oil, or something else?
OP there aint much you can do to soften up Dyers mocs. The thickness n type of leather they use will pretty much keep them a bit on the stiff side. You can soak the inside(with water) n walk em dry n they will mold to yer foot real nice n then lube up the outside to soften them up a little but dyers are industrial strength mocs for sure. You can walk across broken glass n stones n not hurt them things or feel the stones at all. I had a pair I wore as everyday wear n had them resoled only once in eight years. The outer layer will relax some after awhile but they will be kind of stiff feeling until ya wear them buggers out.I use a deer tallow n bees wax mix or when I can find it a product called Picards to soften n condition my leather goods
OP, I used deer tallow on my buffalo mocs and they're soft as a babies butt...Bud
Go with what Wick said, pure neatsfoot oil. Don't drown them, just rub in a light coating, you don't want leather too soft, it will wear out too quickly.
Old Pilgrim said:
I've got a pair of Dyer double sole moccs and was wondering what is best to use to soften them up? Neets foot oil, mink oil, or something else?

Because of the thickness of the leather and the way they were originally tanned, Dyer mocs are not meant to be "softened". Obtaining a pair that are already "soft" might be worth the investment, rather than trying to make the Dyer's into something they are not. (I don't mean to be negative)
Claude, just as a little off-shoot to this, I searched the Internet for quite awhile yesterday, looking for a good pattern for some "Southwest" (i.e. Apache, Comanche, etc.) style moccasin patterns and didn't come up with them. Any ideas?
Thats alright Claude, the only part I am trying to soften (or make a little more flexable ) is the top of the moc. I have a toe that is a little deformed from walking into a doorframe in the middle of the night and the moc rubs a blister on the top of it after a few hour even with a sock protecting it.
Try wrapping with a piece of white athletic tape. Works great for preventing blisters while hiking.

I have Dyer mocs. They were stiff when I got them. It is amazing what wearing them will do. Put on two pairs of socks and put the dang mocs on and use them. As in almost all things discussed on the forum here, there is nothing that will put authentic aging or break in to anything other than honest use. Fake aging looks like fake aging. I wet my mocs, put on a pair of tight cotton socks with a pair of heavy wool over them and went hunting. After about 3-4 days in the dirt and mud, they were broke in. You cannot do that artificially. They are not nearly so stiff anymore. Put them in the house,,,,use them for your evening slippers....keeps them in shape.

P.O. Box 365
Ronan, Montana 59864

Excellent manual. I found this copy at one of the National Park book stores....maybe Mesa Verde.

Has general rundown on moccasins, then specific how to for about 20 different tribe/kinds/designs whatever you wish to call it. The specific how-to's come with drawings. If he says do this--there will be a detail drawing of exactly what he is talking about.

Lots and lots and lots of research had to go into this manual. 71 pages.

Well chit,,I shoulda opened that link up there....