I have to admit, a few posts make me feel a little bad.
I don't have private land to hunt. I am stuck on state owned or state leased property. Much of which has very poorly marked boundaries, especially the leased properties. Almost every time I find a really good spot with a lot of deer sign and less human traffic, it turns out to be fairly close to a property boundary with private land. Usually talking from 50 to 200 yards. A couple times it turned out I was over the unmarked line, felt bad, quickly removed my treestand and any reflective tacs marking my way in.
That said, the only time I've had an issue with a bordering land owner, I was well off his property, but, caught him off his property on the state lease. That lease is archery only for deer, shotgun allowed for pheasants which are stocked on the power portion (a good 1/4 mile or more away) so hunter orange is required for anything regarding a firearm. He was wandering around the state property with a shotgun in hand and no orange on, walking around well within 50 or 60 yards of my stand. I hailed him and asked him about his lack of orange, he said he was, "just checking thing out."
Never saw any more deer or fresh sign around that stand the rest of the season. Put a stand nearby the next year, and it disappeared.
I don't have private land to hunt. I am stuck on state owned or state leased property. Much of which has very poorly marked boundaries, especially the leased properties. Almost every time I find a really good spot with a lot of deer sign and less human traffic, it turns out to be fairly close to a property boundary with private land. Usually talking from 50 to 200 yards. A couple times it turned out I was over the unmarked line, felt bad, quickly removed my treestand and any reflective tacs marking my way in.
That said, the only time I've had an issue with a bordering land owner, I was well off his property, but, caught him off his property on the state lease. That lease is archery only for deer, shotgun allowed for pheasants which are stocked on the power portion (a good 1/4 mile or more away) so hunter orange is required for anything regarding a firearm. He was wandering around the state property with a shotgun in hand and no orange on, walking around well within 50 or 60 yards of my stand. I hailed him and asked him about his lack of orange, he said he was, "just checking thing out."
Never saw any more deer or fresh sign around that stand the rest of the season. Put a stand nearby the next year, and it disappeared.