What's in your range box?

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Apr 19, 2013
Reaction score
While I am not new to shooting matches, I am new to taking them seriously. :hmm: With that in mind:
What do you take to the range in your range box/shooting bag? (pictures of your set up are appreciated!)
What's something that most shooter's overlook?
It would take a lot of words to describe, what's in my range box. I shoot both cap and flint.

I carry Goex 3F and 4F black powder and Black MZ sub powder. Powder measure, funnel, capper, various nipple wrenches, screw drivers, files, patches, variety of caps and flints,extra nipples, variety of patches and lubes. I carry a variety of metal range rods, adapters, jags, ball pullers, brass hammer/with drifts and punches. Targets, stapler, rags, cleaning patches, CO 2 ball extractor. Piece of carpet, sand bags, gun rests, hearing plugs and electronic hearing protection. Q-tips, pipe cleaners, cleaning fluids and oil. A wooden mallet, a C-clamp and block to fasten to the bench, to secure rifle. Cooler with water and snacks. A shooting journal, moving blanket. Safety glasses.

Oh, yeh, don't forget the rifles. (I have)

Maybe I could get a picture, because I'm sure, I'm missing a few things. But this is a start.
Yeah, with me it's more like "What's NOT in my range box."

Hadden seems to have covered it pretty well. Only thing I bring that I don't see on his list is a "shield" to fasten to the bench when shooting my flintlock. Only reason I have that is because it's a range requirement.
I carry everything I think I (or a friend ) might need: balls,patches,ball puller,caps, flints, nipple wrench, patch retriever, lube, alcohol,powder,nipple/vent pick,bandaids,powder measures, extra ear plugs, and a nail clipper. :idunno:
Pretty much what hadden west carries:

"I carry Goex 3F and 4F black powder and Black MZ sub powder. Powder measure, funnel, capper, various nipple wrenches, screw drivers, files, patches, variety of caps and flints,extra nipples, variety of patches and lubes. I carry a variety of metal range rods, adapters, jags, ball pullers, brass hammer/with drifts and punches. Targets, stapler, rags, cleaning patches, CO 2 ball extractor. Piece of carpet, sand bags, gun rests, hearing plugs and electronic hearing protection. Q-tips, pipe cleaners, cleaning fluids and oil. A wooden mallet..."
I carry many of the things already mentioned when I go to the range. One other thing I have in my range box is a small needle nose style vise grip. It has come in handy a couple of times when a too short ramrod didn't have enough purchase to be pulled out with slick fingers. Warning, it doesn't help the finish on the ramrod.
Extra shot/balls, spare flint, vent prick, tow, worm, turnscrew, fixin wax, and patch material along with an oiled down piece of lambs wool.

If I'm cleaning in the field I utilize the quill end of a feather to plug my vent to fill with hot water.

Nothing special, yet no fancy gizmos or gadgets will ever be found in my bag. Bare essentials that get the job done. :thumbsup:
Range box? No steenkin range box!

I take the same shooting bag I hunt with but add more balls if it is going to be a long session and bring along my hearing protectors.




I did add a flat priming horn in place of the brass priming "tube" in the image. Ball puller and another jag in the patchbox of the rifle.
Spotting scope and wind flags, I know they don't fit in a shooting box, but everything I carry does not fit in one box. That's way I have a pickup truck.
Thanks for all the responses. The range we shoot at is about a quarter mile walk up hill and you really don't want to forget anything. The club members are always helpful, but I'd like to be ready for something before it happens.
I've been using a shooting bag, but a lot of the range gear:safety glasses, ear protection, stapler, and staples for target, etc., could be better organized outside of my shooting bag.
GrumpyGrizz said:
I've been using a shooting bag, but a lot of the range gear:safety glasses, ear protection, stapler, and staples for target, etc., could be better organized outside of my shooting bag.

That stuff goes in your haversack. :stir:

I need glasses to see anyway so they're already on my face. A pack of foam ear plugs is easy enough to stuff in the shooting bag or a pocket or whatever. But my stapler is in my range box. :thumbsup:
Along with that are the extra staples, a few tools, a bag of flints, extra powder, about 4 patch knives that I always go "oh, THAT's where I left those", some cleaning patches, a bottle of bear oil, a wad of business cards that people have given me at other shoots, a wad of split playing cards that I cut at other shoots, a wad of phone numbers for people who I can't remember why I have their phone number, jags and such for every caliber except the one I brought to the range that day, some loose change, a couple dead bugs, and some junk. :haha:
Well,honestly, loose powder, spent caps, used patches, broken and good nipple wrenches, rolled up teflon patch material, worms,ball pullers, cap tins (empty, partially full and new, short starters,small loading hammer, pipe cleaner,flash hole picks, muzzle protectors for all calibers used, patch jags,priming flask,patch knife,flint pressure flaking tool,pulled balls, and I think that is about it.
No matter what you have in it, you are going to find a need for something you don't have and it will probably be something you took out from last trip because you never needed it before. Any tools you need to take apart to clean your gun you need.
I take two range boxes whenever I go to shoot anywhere. One is rather large with several drawers and a drop front that provides a working surface. It contains everything from extra powder and flints or caps to tools and spare parts. That one stays in my car and I only go to it if I need something that is not in my box that I actually carry to the bench. The one that I carry to the bench is simply an ammo can into which I have placed the essentials for whichever gun I am shooting. I change the contents depending on which gun I am shooting. The latter range box contains only a few more things than I would have in my bag if I was hunting or shooting in a match that required loading from a bag and horn.

I did try having one ammo can range box for flintlocks and one for caplocks but I found that I was still having to change out balls, patches, etc. anyway depending on which gun I was shooting so I went back to one single ammo can and that works fine for me. I just change contents depending on which gun I am shooting. Easy Peasy!