32 Cal
Is Pyrodex RS and P the same formulation, only differing in size of granules? Can I run RS through a ball mill and transform it into P?
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They are the same formula just different in finished grain size. I would suspect you could crush RS down to a smaller size but getting it consistent might be an issue which could affect it's performance. Unless you really feel a need or just want to experiment I can't see much reason for grinding RS down. I would certainly avoid using anything that could spark as grinding it down could affect the ignition characteristics and that would be an unpleasant experience. I would think if you wanted Pyrodex P you should be able to find it without too much trouble as the Pyrodex powders are found much more widely than real black since they are classified as a propellant not an explosive so more places carry them.Is Pyrodex RS and P the same formulation, only differing in size of granules? Can I run RS through a ball mill and transform it into P?
I Mixed Pyrodex with BP once in my 1.25 in bore cannon, never again used a 50/50 mix(4oz charge), when it went bang the cannon rolled back 7 feet plus the ground shookPyrodex types RS is Rifle Shotgun P is for Pistols, as far as pellets the chemical that binds, If powder and pellets are of same "Name" "Maker" such as Hodgdon can be mixed 20g powder 50 pellet provided powder is first in and it is all pyrodex of the same maker. Black Powder and Pyrodex should never be mixed again NEVER MIX PYRODEX AND BLACK POWDER. as desi23 pointed out RS could be ground for pistol if needed, I am not saying I would never, I am saying the need would need to be extreme say like the apocalypse
Have you ever read the label on a Pyrodex container? You may want to contact Hodgdon and let them know they missed the memo about mixing BP and Pyrodex, as Hodgdon continues to recommend in their load data and on their containers that you pour about 5 grains of blackpowder in the bore first followed by Pyrodex as the main charge when used in a flintlock. I also believe the black on one end of the Pyrodex pellet is blackpowder to help ignition.Black Powder and Pyrodex should never be mixed again NEVER MIX PYRODEX AND BLACK POWDER.