where to find tow

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40 Cal.
Jun 19, 2012
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I read recently that Jas Townsend no longer carries it, neither it seems does TotW or www.crazycrow.com
where to then? Panther Primitives maybe?
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I think I've heard of some folks using sisel rope that you can buy at the hardware store and defarbing into tow, could be wrong though.
You can get hemp fibers from hemptraders. It is about the same as tow. You can also get some that is almost like cotton. Much cheaper then tow. Last time I bought it I spent 20 bucks a kilo.
having used old hemp rope in my fire kit, yeah, it is about spot on and something I forgot to put in my query.
I BOUGHT a roll at wally-world for less than a $1,
190ft makes a lot of tow! :hmm:
If you know any farmers old sisal bale strings can be "unraveled" and makes a great Tow substitute and is FREE. :idunno:
You can get it from www.turkeyfootllc.com it is under the trekking tab, they sell it in 4oz bags. I bought 2 bags 2 years ago and have used maybe half of one bag, 4oz is more material than you think it would be.
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Twister said:
You can get it from www.turkeyfootllc.com it is under the trekking tab, they sell it in 4oz bags. I bought 2 bags 2 years ago and have used maybe half of one bag, 4oz is more material than you think it would be.

their dried goods and lead bars are great quality too.
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seeings as I bought both my 1803 H F flinter and Howdah there... yeah, I'm feelin a wee thick in the scull right now. It didn't even cross my mind to look there; I looked at TotW and crazycrow, even panther Primitives and Jas T... never even THOUGHT about DGW.
Thanks, guys.

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