Which side to carry possible bag and powder horn

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How did folks in early times make a decision on how to do stuff without the .www?
I prefer only the c one curve. Some call these straight horns. This way I can carry wither side comfortably.

I think it is more important to not have the horn hang to low...or to belt it down if it is long.
I never knew that horns were graded by curve , just size and colour . I carry my horn high almost to my armpit
C'mon, really? Everybody knows what a possibles bag is. Sorry, were not in a HCPC re-enactors rendezvous here, just shooting muzzleloaders. I didnt realize the vocabulary police were here.
Apparently you don't know what a "possibles bag" is. Just because the term has been misused for 40 years or more doesn't justify its continued misuse.
I would think the dominant hand would partially feel comfortable in holding the powder horn while pouring and for me, as a lefty, I have the horn on my left side for that purpose. I built the horn, long ago, from one of the K-W Cap and Ball kits which gave me the opportunity to specify a left handed curved horn, too. Likewise, reaching in the bag with my dominant hand is also the reason I place it, too, on the left side.
Jim Webb's book of Southern Mtn. shot pouches , powder horns , and associated accoutrements , he shows a number of horns and pouches that were worn on the left side of the body , obviously by right handed folks. It must have been some sort of tradition back in the day , that dictated how folks did it. I prefer pouch on the right , and horn on the left . Since I'm right handed , it works best for me......oldwood
C'mon, really? Everybody knows what a possibles bag is. Sorry, were not in a HCPC re-enactors rendezvous here, just shooting muzzleloaders. I didnt realize the vocabulary police were here.
Don't be so sensitive. For anyone who has a serious interest in our hobby, they will want to use the correct terminology. I was, respectfully, suggesting that the OP use the correct term for the shooting bag. I guess if it was up to you, misinformation is acceptable and encouraged.
Vendors/retailers do not agree what to call the same product on their sites or catalogs, how is the common man to know what is proper?

Folks still argue how to pronounce "pecan", depending if you are from the north or south part of the country.
I’ve tried pouch and horn on both sides over the years and ended up putting both on my right side as it just seemed right for me. I’m right handed. Unless one is in an organized group such as a militia etc. that requires uniformity, I’m not sure it matters.
right handed.. horn on the left so it never comes in contact with the stock of my rifle. Pouch on the left. Works for me.
I wear my pouch and horn on the right side and shoot from the right. I would really have to be stupid to allow my gun to contact either one. But then, I am experienced.
Vendors/retailers do not agree what to call the same product on their sites or catalogs, how is the common man to know what is proper?

Folks still argue how to pronounce "pecan", depending if you are from the north or south part of the country.

Nobody argues about how to pronounce Pecan. If you say Pea-can…you are just wrong. Ain’t no arguing to be done!
I'm a lefty. I shoot left handed guns. I carry my possibles bag on the right, and my horn on the left. Just easier for me as I can pull gear out with the right hand, pour powder with my left. Have always done that way.
Experiment. Try shooting with your "possibles bag" on one side and then the other. One side will probably be more comfortable for you and then you will have figured it out. That's what I did. I am ambidextrous. I prefer to shoot right handed and I prefer to have my "possibles bag" on the left. I have a smaller shooter's pouch on my right side. I keep a patch puller, ball puller and tools I need to service and/or fix the gun on my right side. Everything I need to shoot the gun is on my left. It took trial and error to come to this conclusion.
I'm right handed, so I carry my PB on my left side, with a small bottle of powder inside. I keep the right hand free for shooting, access to the unmentionable(s)*and/or BP handgun, knife and hawk on my belt on the right hand side.

*Although I love using 17th, 18th, and 19th century tech and gear, I unfortunately have to still exist in the 21st century. And it's even so when I dress up (and/or) participate (in/for) Furry, Carnival/Fair, Scare Acting, and Medieval events too.......
Right handed shooter here.

My shot bag is high up on my right side, almost in my armpit. My horn is on my left side also very high.

This allows me to move very quickly and aggressively without anything flopping around. Even running it all stays in place.

Someone mentioned the horn sitting on the bag flap. Can’t imagine a worse situation! The horn even prevents you from getting in the shot bag.
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