who all uses peeps on their percussion guns.

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40 Cal.
Mar 14, 2016
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who all uses peeps on their percussion guns? the rifles I day hunt with I use either the 57sml or the fp hawken with target knobs I like the lyman better but the Williams is only about 69.00 my night hunting rifles I use the sights that came with my rifle but I do paint the bead on the front sight
most of time I use peep sights. I may have one rifle that doesn‘t have them. I haven’t done any night hunting for many years but even then, come to think of it, I used an aperture sight.
I’m a traditionalist, so no.

IIRC, in one of my many books on Classic Firearms there's a photo of a Teutonic Wheelock with an aperture sight. So they certainly EXISTED in the time of Jim Bridger, but was probably an after market or custom item.
I'm trying out a Marbles rear peep on a GPR.
AC DC, I can shoot both ways. I have multiple guns for multiple purpose and esthetics. Not that it bothers me, but; aparture sights have been around a very long time.
I use the XS Sight barrel mounted rear peep on my GPR. GPR barrels are factory drilled for it. Front is either the post with white paint that comes with the XS or a red fiber optic. I've mounted this sight on a Pedersoli Hawken, an Investarms Hawken, & other barrels with slightly different flats than the GPR with some fitting & everyone seems to really like it. It's small, rugged, & easily adjustable. I've put it anywhere from 2" to 6" in front of the nipple depending on customer preference. It even looks like it could be HC. Doesn't give the rifle a "modern" look at all like some of the tang mounted ones. Everyone that has aged eyes just can't see the old style open sights most ML's come with. Without a peep & a modern front sight I just wouldn't be able to shoot anymore, so I don't understand "clubs" that don't allow them, as they are excluding a big portion of ML shooters. Isn't there a law somewhere that prohibits age discrimination???
I use the XS Sight barrel mounted rear peep on my GPR. GPR barrels are factory drilled for it. Front is either the post with white paint that comes with the XS or a red fiber optic. I've mounted this sight on a Pedersoli Hawken, an Investarms Hawken, & other barrels with slightly different flats than the GPR with some fitting & everyone seems to really like it. It's small, rugged, & easily adjustable. I've put it anywhere from 2" to 6" in front of the nipple depending on customer preference. It even looks like it could be HC. Doesn't give the rifle a "modern" look at all like some of the tang mounted ones. Everyone that has aged eyes just can't see the old style open sights most ML's come with. Without a peep & a modern front sight I just wouldn't be able to shoot anymore, so I don't understand "clubs" that don't allow them, as they are excluding a big portion of ML shooters. Isn't there a law somewhere that prohibits age discrimination???
There is such a law. Good luck getting it enforced in the workplace let alone in a private muzzleloading club... it doe give us old timers something else to gripe about. :confused::cool:
Only problem with the Marbles peep sight is that it's to far forward to get the best effect of a peep.
I used to think the same until I used peeps mounted on the barrel. The XS I mounted 6" forward of the nipple is actually quicker & easier to use than the one mounted 2" forward & things are more clear & in focus, at least for my eyes. The Marble is probably much the same as the "peep" part extends quite a ways back from the dovetail slot. Try it, you may be pleasantly surprised.
I have one on my TC Hawken because at 67 my eyes think the front sight is too close, lol. My Pedersoli Kentucky and my Frontier have long enough barrels to allow me to get away with the open rear sights... so far.

My range is 300 yards or so west of the house. I haven't kicked myself off for using the peep sight yet. 😂

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