who all uses peeps on their percussion guns.

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I use one but wish I didn't have to. My 73 year old eyes have cataracts but they say not ready for surgery yet but we may discuss that at my next Dr's visit.
I would love to shoot with traditional sights but it is just impossible so I have one of the Lyman sights and it lets me keep on shooting and hunting!
I haven't had to resort to peeps yet, but to suggest that folks using peeps should use an inline doesn't hold water. I'd rather see someone use a peep and continue to be able to shoot than not shoot at all. Age and wisdom has a way of sneaking up on you and you have to make accommodations to do fairly well things that used to come easy.
The comment about inlines is reflective of a lack of knowledge of muzzle loading history or really bad humor, and out of place in my opinion. Peep sights have been documented back as far as the early 1700's, maybe further.

To Nessmuk56; I hope that your vision continues to allow you to use the open sights on you gun(s), I really do. But, when your vision begins to fail, you, like many of us, will find that you will either mount a peep sight or you will shoot poorly, IF you continue to shoot muzzle loaders at all! A Lyman 57 isn't HC but I leave that up to the shooter. There are many examples of HC peep sights to choose from and many can be made at home by anyone with modest skills.
Quite some time back there was an antique seventy some-odd caliber flintlock "buffalo" rifle in a topic on the forum. It had a peep sight with maybe four different ranges. And the hole at the longest range was off center as if correcting for drift imparted by the spin. Any yall remember that rifle?
I have a Lyman GPR 54 cal with the Lyman 57 GPR receiver peep sight set for the rear sight and their #17AEU target front sight.
Sighting through the peep really helped to pull my concentration off the flash from the pan and greatly improved my accuracy.
I hope all the prattle about PC/HC peep sights is concerning just paper punching. I use my rifles for hunting, so I figure I owe it to the critters to use sights that give me the best chance at making an ethical shot. My TC Hawken is neither PC nor HC anyway, so if I need the peep sight to make ethical shots on game, what's the problem?
There is no problem brother, least not from me. I have no weapon that is HC or PC in anyway. I mod my stuff for ME. Peeps work good for targets. Ghost sights work good for hunting, but at my age I prefer scopes for hunting. To me just more ethical.
A peep sight was one of those sea side machines we as tinies used to watch on Sea Side Piers, mostly as old as M/Ls.Since about 1600 we have used Appatures on European Fire arms. A peep should be Round Not key hole shaped. REgret I don't seem to be able to lift photo's from my SIM's to the forum to shew L/R sights of 186/70 or others. OLD DOG
I use one but wish I didn't have to. My 73 year old eyes have cataracts but they say not ready for surgery yet but we may discuss that at my next Dr's visit.
I would love to shoot with traditional sights but it is just impossible so I have one of the Lyman sights and it lets me keep on shooting and hunting!
After you have the surgery, you may not need to use a peep sight
There are reasons the military still uses peep sights and it isn’t because they use modern firearms.
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