Maryland is an odd place...,
First, we do require blaze orange, vest or hat. Quite frankly, the HAT should be mandatory, as too many accidents in the past were folks getting hit in the head when their chest was below the crest of a hill, or behind a log. The tallest part of a person is the head, and it's the first part that "comes over the crest of the hill".
We don't require it on private land, here. I wear it anyway as we also have a poaching problem here, and just because a person is the only person
allowed on a piece of property, doesn't mean they are alone.
Now when I move into a hide (Dave doesn't fall out of tree stands because Dave doesn't get into tree stands :thumbsup: ) I place blaze orange on the side of the trees where I am not standing, and I place it high.
Maryland required hunters
inside popup blinds to wear blaze orange.

Hello, it's a "blind", so how does that help? NOW Maryland requires a small square of blaze orange on the roof of the blind..., I'd prefer, and I teach my hunter-safety students, to place a large piece of orange over their blind.
For folks who like to have pictures or preserve the spirit of authentic hunting garb from the 18th century, you can..., wear an blaze orange knit hat as I do, or get a square yard of blaze orange from Jo Ann Fabrics, and use it as a head scarf or neckerchief. If you photoshop the photo into black and white, nobody can tell you are wearing orange.