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Who knows about Barking?

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Hey Sharps
Yea I found barking was great down in southern Ontario... to many other places for the ball to go... Swell a good size branch and there is no question or for that matter worry about were the ball went... Yes I know the safety practices but there should always be a little concern when flinging a ball into the trees.
Just a thought...
My best regards a Loyalist Dawg :hatsoff:
I'm surprised no one did this, so i'll submit to my lower form of humor......."arf arf" :redface:
Personally, there's more myth than fact to barking a squirrel.
I'm glad someone said it! I think the :bull: is gettin kinda deep on this topic.. :rotf:
Maybe I just don't know the trick, or all the planets aint in alinement, but I've tried this in the past and I think it is a 'frontier myth'.
One of the guys at the club is a pretty fair "trick shot" who has "barked " many, many squirrels and he doesn't recommend the following method, but he says "in a pinch" it's a worthwhile way to get those really shy, tree hugging squirrels. He aims at a nearby acorn, figures the angles for a glancing shot and "bops" the squirrel in the head w/ the acorn. He's only done this w/ 9 squirrels which is pretty decent seeing I couldn't do it at all. No one has witnessed this feat or the "barking" but he's a trustworthy guy and most of the club members believe he actually does these "trick shots" on squirrels. Squirrel hunting is a loner sport, so I don't think these "fantastic" shots will ever be witnessed.....Fred
It wouldn't take CSI to determine if a critter in the gamebag was actually barked.
Sounds like a challenge for a woodswalk shoot would settle this.
You guys who set up the shoots, what do you think? How about an empty pop can (used to judge penetration) that must be pierced by shrappnel/debris from a log that it sits on?
I'd like to know how this works out. I'll bet there won't be too may folks make it to round two for the shoot off.
I know for fact that some of the 'old timers' considered the brains a delicacy, I've never tryed them and don't know how they were cooked but wonder if this isn't what led to the practice of 'barking' squacks.
I'v used this for hunting ruffed grouse during deer hunting, aim for the head if you get a close miss the concusion of the boolit going by its head kills it dead. Fisher King. :thumbsup:
I've always shot my squirrels spot on - in the head if possible. But my two terriers do some squirrel barking every day. :shake:
it's not just the old timer who thinks them squirrel brains is good :winking: nothing better than squirrel boiled in rice with a thick home made gravy. droooool
Here is another "real" one. I was hunting squirrels with a buddy. He shot one out of a tree, picked it ip and we walked back to the SUV. It was about lunchtime so we headed back to camp. Had only gone a short distance when that squirrel cam out of it. He had just been "barked" and was in no mood to ride around. He started jumping around and came over the seat, bit my buddy on the hand as he swatted at it. Then the squirrel jumped out of the SUV and dashed up the nearest tree. Now I always shoot 'em the the head! :rotf: :rotf: :blah:
I have being hunting squirrels for over 10 years with air riffles,until last year that went back to flint.Tried many times to bark them with no[url] luck.In[/url] fact I shot the acorn out of the mouth on one on a downward shot from up the side of a ravine,to see the squirrel blasted away by the desintegrating acorn and dirt to a good 3 feet high.It run away faster than superman and up a tree into thin air, were I look for it for a long time.
Realizing it was gone for good , I went back to the crime scene were I found a good splater of blood as if the acorn blew half the face off.
I aint doint this :bull: no more.
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My dad could do it with a 30-30, but preferd a .22 as the big gun still bruised them. It was amazing to see him shoot that .22, see the poof and then a dead squirl with out a scratch on it.
Well, I've read all the posts from the skeptics and naysayers, but I will say in all honesty that I have done it ONE time, and I meant to do it.
Many years ago when I had the eyes of a normal sighted person, a squirrel ran out a limb in a little walnut tree right in front of me---about 10 yards or so. When I cocked the hammer on the .40 caliber caplock I was hunting with that day the squirrel heard it and laid down flat on the limb. I had a good solid rest, and I figgered that if I was ever in my life gonna get a chance to "bark" a squirrel this was it. I held the bead right where his chin touched the limb and teched 'er off. The squirrel fell out of the tree and hit the ground and kicked hisself over a steep bluff. I walked down the hillside and found him as dead as a doorknob. He had a couple of spots of blood on his nose, but the skin wasn't broken anywhere on him. I had killed 5 earlier in the day--all headshots-- so this one made my limit.
I have never had a better day squirrel hunting, before or since. :grin:

And that's the truth. :winking:
Grandma lived thru the depression, had to scrape to make it. She once told me she used carpet tacks in her bp shot gun. Sneak up real close to a bunch of blackbirds on a limb. Aim for the middle of the bunch and nail them to the limb, climb up and fetch supper!!! Truth or tall tale? I'd like to think Granny wouldn't pull my leg.
wildeagle, if your Granny told you that, I'm sure it was the Gospel. :winking:
If my dear old Granny was still alive and told me tomorrow was Thanksgiving I'd go to the store and get a turkey tonight. :grin: