That would depend on which after action reports you are referring to.when you read the after action reports it is often quite evident that the officers must have focused on the 7yard full target scenario.....
Ahh, you're talking about "news" reports and not official reports.The ones with all the misses...
Years ago (25 at least) I had a pair of Ruger Vaquero, 44 Magnum, 7 1/2" barrel revolvers. With practice I got to where I could set up 6 pop cans at 100 yards. I could usually hit 4 of the 6 cans with 6 shots at the 100-yard mark.Most do not think of a handgun as a long-range proposition, because of perception. They haven't done it or seen it done regularly because they do not have access to a place to do it, most handgun shooting ranges going out to no more than 40-50 yards. Being a matter of practice, like everything else, there are just not a lot of practiced individuals out there due to this perception.
My initial training/introduction to long range handgun shooting, as I mentioned in the original post, was more about changing that perception than anything else. After that it just became a matter of practicing to become efficient, same as if it was 5 or 10 yards.
My cataracts got so bad I could not see the target on the clubs 100 yard range. I would just guess where I thought it was and out of five shots I would usually get at least one to be in the scoring area.Yes eyesight is not to be taken for granted and a bummer when it starts to fail. I have three different prescriptions and it really matters which pair of glasses I am wearing. I will say that sometimes its possible to get hits when you can't see simply by knowing where the target is...
The Walker was made for close encounters on horseback.The Walker was made for distance.