"...Here, is where the pistols undergo a preparatory trial, before being sent up for the regular government proof. It is by no means, the dark, mysterious iron-plated room, in which I have been taught to believe that guns are proved: but an ordinary workshop, with two square wooden pipes, fixed horizontally, and open at the end, breast high. I am invited to prove a pistol, by firing it into one of these pipes, which, I am told, afford sufficient protection to the firer in case of a barrel bursting - an event, pains were taken to assure me, of vary rare occurrence. After a little practice, I find that the mere novice may, with one hand, discharge the six rounds as rapidly as the eye can wink."
Who wrote this?
Charles Dickens in HOUSEHOLD WORDS
copyright Joseph G. Rosa 1976
Lionel Leventhal Limited 1976
Fortress Publications, Inc., Stoney Creek, Ontario
ISBN 0 85368 350 6
This was written by Dickens in May 1854 following a tour of the Colt factory in London.
Who wrote this?
Charles Dickens in HOUSEHOLD WORDS
copyright Joseph G. Rosa 1976
Lionel Leventhal Limited 1976
Fortress Publications, Inc., Stoney Creek, Ontario
ISBN 0 85368 350 6
This was written by Dickens in May 1854 following a tour of the Colt factory in London.