1 - When I first started shooting 10 years ago, I read, & was advised to use 3F in .45/.50 and smaller, and 2F in everything above .45/.50, which I religiously followed.
2 - My only variance to this has been with my DP 12guage Mortimer shotty; this has always given me a headache when shooting shotty events (15/25 birds) with 85gns Pioneer/Wano 2F, so a year ago I thought perhaps 1F would have less of an impact on my head (no I don't hold the butt to my head!). I tried it; no headaches! So I have been useing 90gns Pioneer/Wano 1F for the last 12 months.
3 - Recently, somewhere on TMF I noticed in several threads that members use 3F (for example) in everything, so I accidently stored this in my brain.
4 - A couple of months ago I found some Goex 5FA (firecracker powder) at home which I had forgotten about so I thought I would try it in a new Euroarms 1858 2 bander which I recently purchased; I thought as I was only breaking the barrel in, any powder would be OK. The rifle grouped almost perfectly, but it may also have with 2F.
5 - Keeping 3 & 4 in mind, on Saturday just gone, my club had a 15 bird shotty event, this time I thought why not try 80gns 3F (and damn the headache), which I did; results??? I hit (virtually dusted) the first 13, missed the 14th, and dusted the 15th!
I have not done ANY sighting-in for the Euroarms 1858 2 bander, but I will in May; I will be using 3F only.
(6 - I have always used 2F in the various 45/70's I have owned over the years, with the RCBS 45-500-BPS projectile, which does not leave much room for powder. For the last 2 months I have used Swiss 1-2F (50gns by weight). How can I get more powder in tha case? Well da! yesterday I just realised why not change to Swiss 2 or 3F! Next month).
I am amazed that after 10 years BP shooting (paper punching only, no hunting) I am still learning, and that I should not be afraid to try different things in order to improve accuracy. Who cares what powder grade you use in what caliber? (with the exception of 4F, priming only) as long as it gives you the accuracy you are happy with!
:thumbsup: :results: :imo:
PS :blah: