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Stick on WWs are soft but not pure. I don't really know what alloy but even clip on WWs can be used. The RBs are slightly larger but adjust you patch thickness and things are fine.
You have stated the most obvious and funniest thing I have read in a long time. Thanks you made my day! I wished I had thought of it.

Dang it!! I didn't even see the correlation till Meannmike posted that! When my kids were toddlers I was in this position! I was even casting, for my .36 navy as well as .490 for my Hawken! (though my wife was a stay at home mom there was always something that I could use as an excuse.)
Casting round balls got me to reminiscing and remembering.
I'm an old-time printshop, letterpress printer that now only uses computers and I sit on my butt all day. But from the time I was 12 years old up into my early 20s at our small-town community newspaper and job-printing shop, it was my job to pour lead pigs using large ladles and cast mats for our huge old flatbed printing press. Also worked with lead and breathed in lead fumes daily as a Linotype operator. Used lead daily, worked with it, poured it, smelled it and took one entire summer to chip away dross underneath the large gas-operated lead pot we melted hundreds of pounds of lead in a day when I was 12. Now, this wasn't the purest lead ... it was for Linotype pigs that were cast in large molds and the dross ”” impurities ”” was skimmed off the top of the molten lead and cast underneath the lead pot. Linotype lead is about 84% pure lead, 4% tin and 12% antimony to make it durable enough to handle the pounding of a large flatbed printing press. You had to wear heavy welders gloves with gauntlets that came way up the arm to protect against lead spatter. I've probably breathed in enough lead smoke in my years to screw up my brain, and I have enough scars on my arms from hot lead to be scary.
And ... all that lead exposure didn't seem to affect me in the slightest!
Wait a minute ... maybe that's what's wrong with me now. :idunno: :youcrazy: :rotf: :rotf: :rotf: :rotf: :rotf: :rotf: :rotf:
Oh Lord, I drank from a LOT of outside water hoses over 68 years, and even an occasional fire hose when on a grass fire call in the dead of an Oklahoma summer. I'll be lucky to live to 100. :rotf:
dsayer said:
Oh, and :td: for condescension. You seem to be quite knowledgeable in a number of topics but a bit of a grump for some reason.
How's that working out for ya?
I'm sorry, you've posted photo's of the results of a flawed casting session.
Instead of providing cudo's for your photo's I point out the flaws.
If you would like to improve your casting technique and/or improve the reliability of your cast ball to provide accuracy as you move towards load development for your rifle,, there are many here that can help.
But if you are sure of those cast ball,, then I apologize.

p.s. hint; temps too high and the die guides need lube.
But I'm sorry,, I don't know nuthin,, I'm just a grump.
necchi said:
dsayer said:
Oh, and :td: for condescension. You seem to be quite knowledgeable in a number of topics but a bit of a grump for some reason.
How's that working out for ya?
I'm sorry, you've posted photo's of the results of a flawed casting session.
Instead of providing cudo's for your photo's I point out the flaws.
If you would like to improve your casting technique and/or improve the reliability of your cast ball to provide accuracy as you move towards load development for your rifle,, there are many here that can help.
But if you are sure of those cast ball,, then I apologize.

p.s. hint; temps too high and the die guides need lube.
But I'm sorry,, I don't know nuthin,, I'm just a grump.

I never said you weren't knowledgeable. Quite the contrary actually. Seems to me that you're actually very very very knowledgeable about many topics relevant to this site. Just the way you respond might as well be an example in the dictionary of patronizing: "to treat with an apparent kindness that betrays a feeling of superiority."

I haven't been here long and I've seen you respond this way on multiple occasions already. I think you're one of those people that could be a huge asset to this forum. I just wish you'd take a slightly different tact.

Just my $0.02.
I know folks like that. I get my fill oncnt in awhile.

I have been known to be a grump myself on occasion (only days that end in Y) and when I do shooting or fishing is the therapy.

disclaimer: NOT referring to Necchi. :surrender:

There is way too much knowledge here to let a bad post on a bad day getcha into a peeing contest. I often respond, read and delete (or change the tone of my post). LOTTA different personalities on here, makes it interesting :)

back on topic.....been soooo long since I cast I wouldnt know a bad ball if it the X! Or the X on the other guys target! Gotta get back into it but only mold was one came with the ROA and casting in garage at -10 degrees got me a lifetime ban from SWMBO (plan on a parole soon. I'm older now ya know :rotf: )
dsayer said:
[ I just wish you'd take a slightly different tact.
Your right. I've just gotten so tired of having to coddle, fortify and build up everyone's ego about how well they do.
Times are different, I get it, there's google search, youtube, wiki,, everything everyone want's to know just a click away. Heaven forbid their results could be better if they only asked.
But it all has to be posted as the best.
(participation award?)(sorry, reality check,, I've had more then a few myself,, on this forum)

I haven't forgotten. It's the weekend now, I finally got the baffles changed on the bike this week (full exhaust R&R)(I still work 40+) so I'd kinda like to ride at least some,, I'll look around for the stuff.
(I'm tired)
I’m fairly certain he wasn’t looking for a participation award. Maybe you choose to view such that way, but that isn’t realistic just as everyone getting a trophy. But view it as you choose to I suppose, which, I guess, is something that makes America great, right?

You can be right all day long but your approach makes all of the difference.

I get what you were saying but what you had to say was not getting the message you intended across.

And there’s a big difference between needing to use pillows for what we view our young people these days needing and being an @ss about things, which I don’t believe you necessarily were being but it certainly wasn’t merely being helpful either. Tact is the word...
necchi said:
dsayer said:
[ I just wish you'd take a slightly different tact.
Your right. I've just gotten so tired of having to coddle, fortify and build up everyone's ego about how well they do.
Times are different, I get it, there's google search, youtube, wiki,, everything everyone want's to know just a click away. Heaven forbid their results could be better if they only asked.
But it all has to be posted as the best.
(participation award?)(sorry, reality check,, I've had more then a few myself,, on this forum)

I haven't forgotten. It's the weekend now, I finally got the baffles changed on the bike this week (full exhaust R&R)(I still work 40+) so I'd kinda like to ride at least some,, I'll look around for the stuff.
(I'm tired)

Man, we can hash this out over PM or by a phone call if you want but I've said what I want to say in a public forum. :surrender:
I've always found that a variety of opinions and knowledge is best. If we all thought exactly the same and did everything exactly the same, how boring would that be? I like diversity of opinion and the fact you can sometimes get the same basic results with different methods, different solutions, attacking problems from different angles.
I had a very wise old college English professor who lived in my small hometown tell me once, when he read one of my newspaper columns, that he wasn't sure he agreed with what I had written, but also that he had never looked at my viewpoint in that way, and was appreciative I had made a salient point he had not even considered. He told me his mother always told him as a boy to "always listen to what the other guy has to say ... he may just be right." I thought that statement was brilliant, and have always adhered to it.
That's why I ALWAYS listen to every viewpoint, even when I don't agree with it. :v
Ah ... no :rotf:
He really liked them, he just didn't always agree with me, which was fine. He loved it that it made him think, and that was all he cared about, no matter how he believed. He was a one-in-a-million character, someone with a great sense of humor and was a higher education institution in Northern Oklahoma for more than half a century ”” and he was a small-town boy just like me.
A lotta folks say things different. Had a preacher once that preached on something. It took me a looong time to decide whether to discard it and I finally ended up saying to myself "well, I guess you could put it that way, but why?" So he was right but didn't sound right. Which as Sgt says is great cuz somebody else might need to hear it that way.

Now condescending and half arsed answers can sure rile ya, I blew here too. Not worth it but ya can only take so much :idunno:

As for the box of balls shown in the OP, I have not near the experience of most here but they look shootable to me? Per Dutchs system I'd weigh and discard but I'd send em down range :)
Necchi actually gave you valuable information. The sprue cut-offs seem raged because your "alloy" is not pure lead, probably 1 to 2% antimony. Also, with this alloy, a too high melt temperature would result in torn, ragged sprue-cuts. A proper sprue cut is smooth and shiny which denotes no voids underneath. Wrinkles in some of your balls indicate a mould that is not totally clean of oil or extra lubricant or the mould may be too cool. Some of the "grey-beards" on this forum actually have a life-time of experience that you can tap into. However Grasshopper, you need to recognize the difference between helpfulness and criticism. You can continue doing things 80% right with self-satisfaction, or put your ego aside and learn the other 20%. No insult or criticism intended or implied, just friendly advise from one who has been there. I sincerely thank the :greybeards who mentored me when I was learning things the hardway.
Be careful not to mix your wheel-weight round balls with 100% lead round balls. Both will work, but the wheel-weight alloy balls are not only harder, they also will weigh less. So point of impact will be different between the two. This becomes more noticeable as you get out to distances of 50+ yards or more.

Twisted_1in66 :thumbsup:

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