Wife confused, thinks we live in a three bedroom house.
Gee, Honey I believe it is two bedrooms. And one, ah.., Gun room. No good way to hide things, this is just what I do. Yes, it is completely illogical. And it is what I do.
Gettin' a tad elderly, selling a couple guns to a good Collector/book-writers so they don't get lost in some random collection (like mine).
The rest are up to my son to peddle, so long as he waits until I am room temperature. I really don't collect anymore.
Groundhog Day '19, though, I was forced to go home from the Michigan show (MAAC) with this terrible German rifled pistol. Yes, I do like flint pistols. I really don't collect anymore, though.
I just like flint pistols, that's all. Not really collecting.