Wife's First BP Buck

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Thanks neechi for putting that pic up for me!!! Even tho I have posted other photos just fine I admit to being techy challenged and don't always know what I am doing!! :). Greg
Thanks for all the comments! She is indeed proud and has enjoyed "showing off" her buck to our friends. Although I have taken larger bucks with my bow I have NEVER taken a better buck than that one in all of my 30+ years of black powder hunting! This is one she will remember for the rest of her life. Now she can grab the bow and go after the next one on our list, a double drop tine 10 pointer, that we spotted crossing the road a few weeks ago! It's the first double drop tine that I have ever seen on the hoof!! Gotta love Fall and the chance to go hunting! Greg. :)
One more picture of my wife and her buck when we dropped him off at the locker. Pretty proud of her :) Greg
Have you scored that rack yet? It might well make the NMLRA's Longhunter Society.
No we haven't scored the rack. I would guess 130". Maybe a bit more. Lorrie really isn't into the scoring aspect of deer hunting. In fact, I offered to have this deer mounted for her and she doesn't want it mounted. We will do a European mount I would guess. Greg :)
Congrats on your wife's game.

My online GF seems to be a hunting fan. If/when I manage to get her imported, I sure hope she likes hunting.
That's a beautiful buck, and taken with yet another .45! Congratulations to both of you! :thumbsup:
Thanks to all for the compliments on my wife and her first buck. Yes the .45 caliber is a favorite around our farm. Although I have guns ranging from .32-.54 the .45 is so versatile from small game to large whitetail deer that I actually own five .45's. One of theses days I will thin the herd a bit and drop down to 3 of them when I hope my grandsons want to shoot and hunt with the other two! Greg. :)