Winter Bore Solvent

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Water or saliva. But I don't swab between shots - the bear-grease keeps the fouling soft for 20+ shots, and I clean after shooting.
I have swabbed with denatured alcohol also windshield washer fluid that has additives to keep it from freezing. Which are most likely alcohol based. I just use a damp patch then flip it over and use the back side followed by a dry patch. Usually if it's that cold unless I'm hunting I don't shoot. I wait for a warmer day . Hunting I carry a small bottle of denatured alcohol in my pouch. :hatsoff: I have just used spit patches as well. :thumbsup:
I've used Stumpy's moose snot since my tube of Bore Butter turned into concrete in 11° temperatures in Vermont one year.

You have to make it yourself but it doesn't freeze and I don't need to wipe in between shots. If a load is a little tough to push down one time, I just make sure I have more Moose Snot on the next patch and keep shooting - great stuff!

Twisted_1in66 :thumbsup:
GoodCheer said:
What's the non-freezing between shots bore cleaning solvent you use this time of year?

Just buy the -40 Windshield juice and use that. I have used it to -30, after which I don't shoot enough to have to wipe in between. Hunting even small game you only use 8 to 10 shots before you want to warm up and you can clean where it is warm. Almost free and works well. Like anything that has any water in it, below -20 it will leave a light coat of ice as you dry the bore so use a good mink oil, Hoppes BP etc for lube to offset.
I use that mink oil sold by Track of the Wolf. Have reported here many times gow I was judging the last shooting station at one of the VT winter primitive snowshoe biathlons and in a 3-4 shift on a cold day where it was in the teens ... I witnessed 8 broken ram rods ... 1 from spit patches and the others all from Wonder Lube or Bore Butter!
I'm going to try some Gunzilla for patch lube one of these days as it has no water in it to freeze and no petroleum to muck up the powder residue.
Lee valley started shooting at 0 degs. finished the day at 20 deg. Much better than my old stand by Hoppe's which was frozen..
Much better.
Mink oil (track of the Wolf)covered patchs shined today too!
I was testing lubes for a new hunting rifle.
picture before adjusting front sight.
