Your question is very vague or generl. Different tools are best suited for certain areas of the stock, and at what phase of shaping your at. A plane must be kept vey sharp, and always at an angle to the direction of travel and with the grain running away from you, which at times is not possible, also with the plane you want to just shave it and not grab the wood which you can see pulls chunks out. A cabinet scraper works vey well in any direction as long as its sharpened properly. With the scraper you can dish the stock out if over agressive and not paying attention. Of course rasps are very good as long as they haven't been abused( like mine are) from contact with other files and rasps. And of course you've heard this one don't be too agressive with removing wood... you can always take more off, but its a pain to replace wood that has been removed "by accident"...George F. End of lecture, I'll get off the soap box now.......