I'm 76 now, retired/retarded, all that.
For most of those many years, I made my living as a wildlife and wetlands biologist in both North and South America. Had my fun in SE Asia jungles, which is why I'm all stove up now. Agent Orange is persistent.
Met many Brother Bruins, bobcat, Lynx, Coyote, Wolf, Jaguar along the way, but the scariest and most threatening were the feral hogs. Even got paid to "remove" feral hogs from recreation areas.
Never a lick of trouble from the "predator species". I was always pretty quiet as I did my work, but also stayed aware of my surroundings. And yes, I have "walked around a corner" and met a bear or two pretty close. I tried to remain calm, and spoke to Brer Bear in a quiet voice, trying not to let my inner self yell and run. And in each instance, after looking at each other for what seemed a century or two, we each went our own ways. Respect for wildlife goes a long ways.
For the hogs? Shot them with all sorts of firearms. Used an arrow on a few. They are NOT a game animal! In most areas, you can hunt them every day and night of the year. And cooked properly, they taste pretty fine. The largest one was a sow, and we got over 350 pounds of meat off her.
Mention above of wild burros. A close relative is the donkey, and I used to breed and sell them. Most ranchers in cow country will pay fair for a donkey - they put them in the pastures with their cattle, because donkeys HATE the canine species, and will kill and pound into the dirt any coyotes they find. Could conceivably do the same to a two-footed predator too, so use caution around them.