I took my T/C Cherokee percussion to the range and shot it with no problems. Took it home and cleaned it like I always do and put it in the gun safe for a week until I took it out to go deer hunting. I ran a dry patch through the barrel and it came out with a slight bit of brownish tint so i ran another and it came clean. I made sure the nipple was clear with the pick and everything seemed ok. I loaded it up and hunted. After about 3 hours I had to leave so I went to shoot an old tree stump to unload and the cap went off but not the main charge? I pulled the ball and when I emptied the powder i had to used my ramrod to break it up it was packed tight. Could I be using to much grease on my patches? At the range I had no problems. I been shooting gun for over 60 years but only muzzle loading shooting for a little over a year at the range . this was my first time hunting with one, Sorry this post is so drawn out but i wanted to make sure I explained