I am of the impression that the tacked original guns I've seen photos of were Indian guns. And the Indians were not shy about ornamentation. Quill work, painted pottery, feathers in their hair, paint on their faces and bodies and likely more I've not thought of.No tacks. Brings up an interesting question though. How did the whole tack thing get started in the first place. Seems like maybe they were like wampum that got traded along with the rifle. Or maybe the thought was to add some "armor" to the wood to help protect it in rough field conditions.
Only if you can find matching earrings, necklaces and fingernail polish........... A matching handbag would be nice also.........So this is my GPR in .54cal love it but, the stock to me needs something little to give it some bling. I found some brass daisy tacks and it just so happens I named her DaisySo I took three and cut off the nail at the head and just put some bouble side tape on to see how she would look..hmmm I kind of dig it what do the rest of you guys or gals think?
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