We had these two brothers , that lived 'bout a mile rom us. Everyone that hunted around where we lived knew to keep an eye out for them when out hunting small game. It was down right comical , to watch them hunt. They always had three to six dogs of different varieties , and yelling constantly at each other , and their rat terriers , poodles , beagles , shepards , and some not identified as a breed. Folks in their neighborhood unanimously said that someone had pi$$ed in their gene pool somewhere along the line. We had been accidentally shot by them , like Capt Vain said , at a distance far enough the shot pellets bounced off our canvas hunting clothes. They shot our house one afternoon trying to bag a ringneck pheasant. , Dad wasn't angry , by and by the brothers were laughed at by everyone around. Even still today , after 60 + yrs. , I laugh at them just thinking about how they behaved. Innocent , but stupid beyond description , no doubt their brains were located south of their belt lines.