This freaking bobcat has been coming out during daylight hours and eating my chickens. I've lost three over the past couple of weeks before sunset. I saw the cat run through the field and grab a chicken, and run off. It would hang out by the coop at night, and wait for them to roost. I actually figured out the cat was there because it was roosting time, and all of the chickens were by the front porch.
I got up on the roof of the coop, and saw those pointy little ears sneaking around down a steep hill, in and out of light cover. I have a FLIR device (not a scope, unfortunately, I'm not rich), and was able to follow it as it got a little darker. It came back to the coop (while I was on the roof) right at sunset.
I climbed down off the roof, and chased it for about a quarter mile through the brush, until it stopped on top of a log to look at me. Had my BP SxS 12g loaded up with 90 grains of powder and 16 #1 buck pellets. Got a nice clean shot, pull the trigger, "pop" cap goes off, misfire (I grabbed the gun and ran outside so quickly I didn't get any additional loads or caps to go with it). Luckily the cat just stood there and looked at me, so I took aim with a second barrel and got him. DOA. That #1 buck is no joke.
I got up on the roof of the coop, and saw those pointy little ears sneaking around down a steep hill, in and out of light cover. I have a FLIR device (not a scope, unfortunately, I'm not rich), and was able to follow it as it got a little darker. It came back to the coop (while I was on the roof) right at sunset.
I climbed down off the roof, and chased it for about a quarter mile through the brush, until it stopped on top of a log to look at me. Had my BP SxS 12g loaded up with 90 grains of powder and 16 #1 buck pellets. Got a nice clean shot, pull the trigger, "pop" cap goes off, misfire (I grabbed the gun and ran outside so quickly I didn't get any additional loads or caps to go with it). Luckily the cat just stood there and looked at me, so I took aim with a second barrel and got him. DOA. That #1 buck is no joke.