OK, so let's talk.Since I run the Primitive Range and have for several years I know a bit about it. Yes the matches directly behind the Blockhouse have loading areas . We have many people who show up at 9 am when we open and leave at 4pm when we close. Shade is nice. If you were there in the early 80s as I was you would know we have several big shade trees , now gone. Something else most are not old enough to remember.... the Primitive Range did not even open till Wed of the shoot and even on that day the match open was the Bill Large match. Real shooting began on Thurs and ended on Saturday. If anyone saying the did not see loading from the bag, then it's quite obvious they did not even cross the creek there at the Blockhouse. EVERY match up the Valley is from the bag and horn. Most not allowing range rods either. The matches up the Valley the ones I call the Legacy matches require costume, most requiring a flintlock and load from bag and horn . I simply do not how much more "Primitive" I can make it. In 1981 there was something like 6 or 8 matches total. Now there is something like 40. We added matches to give the shooters something to do the rest of the week.Saying something like the NMLRA does not respect the Primitive Range is pure BS. I am also a Director of the NMLRA so I know what goes on. How many are aware that the Primtive range shows more profit than any other range down there , all of them. It does seem the people who actually buy matches and shoot on my range like it a lot. Those who come up take a quick look and walk off, maybe not so much. . Now having said all this , here's your chance the improve the range . I retire from the job come September after 7 years on the job. We are looking for a new person to ramrod it. Those of you have ideas on how it should be run, here's your chance. Send me your name and address and I will pass them on to the Chief Range Officer and the President. Figure about 80 hours during the shoot working and with no pay. Send me names guys.