PA Early Muzzleloader Hunt

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40 Cal
Oct 2, 2021
Reaction score
Our early muzzleloader season was this past week and it was a fun one.
My wife started hunting 2 years ago and took 2 does with an inline Saturday and Tuesday. It's just so cool to see her take interest and start hunting after 10 years of marriage.
I was busy butchering and watching our 3 kiddos while she hunted in the mild weather the first part of the week.

Thursday evening my buddy Chris and I arrived in Crawford County after a years worth of planning this hunt. By 9 AM Friday we both had big doe down. The action was insane.
I got my shot on film, should make a fun video.
Mine was approx 40 yards and I hit her good, she was down in less than 100 yards. His he spine shot requiring a follow up, he did have to rush his since I bumped a group to him, while the one I shot stood there clueless I was in the world.

562 ball beargrease/beeswax patch thrown with 70 grains 3f.

Chris's was a 50 cal spit patched roundball.
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