Flinter made another kill

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Dec 23, 2018
Reaction score
Western Pennsylvania

Not a big deer but a legal one in this part of Pa.
Thats a nice buck any day, especially if your goal is the triple. It's as good as a 200+ buck. Good luck with the triple. I tripled with my smoothbore flintlock in 2018. I've taken all 3 before with that gun just never in the same license year.
Not to put any pressure on me but there is this thing in Pa called a triple trophy. A buck, a bear and a gobbler in the same license year… I am 2/3 of the way there with a flintlock… again no pressure but man I’d love to finish that one!!!
I would too. Never came close. I don’t hunt turkeys much anymore. And bears are around sporadically. Mainly focus on deer and filling the freezer. One more mature doe do me for the year.