Not a big deer but a legal one in this part of Pa.
Really nice!! Congrats. I’ll be out after Christmas trying to fill a doe tag. Filled my buck tag out in 2C back in archery.View attachment 368444
Not a big deer but a legal one in this part of Pa.
congrats to you. legal buck is meat. happy for your successView attachment 368444
Not a big deer but a legal one in this part of Pa.
I would too. Never came close. I don’t hunt turkeys much anymore. And bears are around sporadically. Mainly focus on deer and filling the freezer. One more mature doe do me for the year.Not to put any pressure on me but there is this thing in Pa called a triple trophy. A buck, a bear and a gobbler in the same license year… I am 2/3 of the way there with a flintlock… again no pressure but man I’d love to finish that one!!!
Thanks Eric! I spent some time taking that photo (and many others).You really know how to compose a picture; the best I have seen so far this year.
The bear is already in the freezer, both taken with this .50 calNice job now go get that bear! What caliber is that?