Jim and Katherine Kibler's fowler as a window into American and British history

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Nov 26, 2005
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I decided to write this because of another thread discussing if a Kibler fowler can represent English guns earlier than the 1760s (it does). Participating in that thread, I thought it might be valuable to members of the forum to discuss some of the history surrounding guns such as Jim and Katherine's offering that is important for understanding American and British history particularly on the eve of the 250th anniversary of our revolution. So here goes.

Guns were big business in England during the 18th and 19th centuries. At one point, Birmingham was the largest producer of firearms in the world and in the 1770s, 25% of the total workforce in the city was involved in some way with gun making. During that time, think of England as we think of Japan in the 1970s and 80s, South Korea in the 1990s, and China in the 2000s. It was a nation that depended on exporting manufactured goods. It could not economically support its population without the manufacturing of goods for export. Its colonies in North America were valuable for raw materials but mostly as consumers of British export goods. The real raw resource that England wanted to import was sugar from the Caribbean. Those sugar plantations added revenue to the British government far greater than anything obtained from the American colonies. The value of the American colonies was as consumers. And there lies the rub. This was "merchantilism" pure and simple. Mercantilism is the economic notion that a country needs a strong positive trade balance to thrive and the focus of government was to enhance and protect that trade imbalance. So, England sought to suppress any competing manufacturing and that included the colonies. American colonists were to buy British goods not make them. Consequently, they did not promote arms manufacturing in the colonies. The influx of Germanic gun makers into PA likely increased their heartburn but as the colonial gunsmiths used mainly imported barrels, locks, and hardware, the British exporters were not overly concerned, and Birmingham gun makers could make most guns in demand in the colonies at far lower prices and of much higher quality. Hence the fowler offered by Jim and Katherine represents one of the most common guns owned by colonists. Most colonial gunsmiths could simply not compete unless they offered something very different and desirable as a unique good for sale, or focused on repairs, restocking and importing English and German guns and parts.

American colonial entrepreneurs were stifled. Moreover, the growing American population was not going to just make livings as farmers, retailers of English goods, tobacco planters, fishers, and producers of raw resources. They wanted to create a vibrant agricultural and manufacturing economy filled with jobs and opportunities for their growing population constrained by the British government. That impulse was revealed by the resentment colonists felt at being cut off from new lands to the west despite British and colonial agreements with the native Americans. In my opinion, that was the real reason for our revolution. The business and professional classes of colonists felt themselves in a mercantile cage and wanted out. They were the class of folks who had money and clout within the colonial legislatures and they fomented the rebellion among the working classes many of whom also saw advantages to local rule. The notions of freedom and liberty were mainly expressions of our desires for economic freedom. We already had a lot of other freedoms under British rule. So Kibler's fowler represents the strength and quality of the British economic machine but also symbolizes the economic suppression of colonial manufacture. Now don't get me wrong here. During the Rev War and very shortly thereafter, American businessmen realized the economic benefit of importing guns and gun parts from England right up to the American Civil War. It took America a long time to develop an industrial base that could compete with Britain and British export firearms were hugely popular in America right up to the Civil War.

So let me bring this back to the 18th century. From an economic standpoint, the North American colonies were a sideshow valuable as consumers and as a base for supplies to the really valuable colonies in the Caribbean. The British parliament let us go in the 1780s because they valued the West Indies far more and could not protect both from the French and Dutch. They also had India in their pocket and so except for "National Honor" the American colonies could be cut loose and it would not matter all that much. The proof of the pudding is the British empire and wealth grew immensely after the Rev War and the loss of the American colonies barely had any impact. During the early 19th century, British export guns descendants to Jim and Katherine's fowler were again commonly imported in America and even British-made muskets armed our militia units. We simply could not divorce ourselves from British manufacturing might until the middle of the 19th century.

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The American colonies indeed were not as economically important as the Caribbean, but England was afraid their gaining independence would inspire other colonies to seek theirs. Unfortunately for England, their navy had shrunk in the years prior to the Revolutionary War and England simply didn't have enough sea power to defend everything. It got particularly troublesome when American privateers started disrupting trade and merchant insurance rates skyrocketed. After the war, America needed British goods, and England needed the market.
Playing "Devil's Advocate" here...

If America was insignificant to England, why the War of 1812? :)
Sore losers??

@dave_person regarding stock wood, if these fowlers were imports then would the predominant stock wood have been walnut? Or, were they stocked with maple from North America and then exported back to the colonies in stocked guns?

Given this subservient role of the colonies and the crowns desire that the colonies functioned as consumers, could this explain the many unsigned guns for the period preceding the revolution? A reluctance to literally label the product that the king didn't want them to produce?
Playing "Devil's Advocate" here...

If America was insignificant to England, why the War of 1812? :)
The British were boarding American ships in international waters and impressing our sailors into the Royal Navy. Also, they were arming the Natives and sending them down into the Ohio river country to harass and kill our settlers who were moving into what the Brits thought should be British territory. As to who actually fired the first shot in the war I'll have to leave that to others more knowledgeable than myself.
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The war of 1812 was in no way an effort by Britain to recapture the valuable American colonies. It was largely fomented by southern and mid-western American politicians like Henry Clay who wanted to eliminate British ownership and influence in the midwest and open it up for American expansion. The impressment of American sailors was a major irritant but it did not start the war. By then, the British could not care less about their old American colonies because they had much more lucrative possessions in India, Africa, and the West Indies. Indeed, before Madison asked congress to declare war on Britain, Britain had satisfied almost all of America's complaints including impressment of sailors. They were preoccupied with Napoleon and the American war was a side show until after he was eliminated. That a tiny British army contingent could reek such havoc in America during the first part of the war is an indictment of how poorly prepared the United States was to defend itself under Jefferson and Madison. The only bright spots were our tiny Navy at sea and on the Great Lakes, and Jackson's campaign in New Orleans after the war was officially over. We disgraced ourselves during most of the campaigns along the St Lawrence River, and around Washington, DC.

Sore losers??

@dave_person regarding stock wood, if these fowlers were imports then would the predominant stock wood have been walnut? Or, were they stocked with maple from North America and then exported back to the colonies in stocked guns?

Given this subservient role of the colonies and the crowns desire that the colonies functioned as consumers, could this explain the many unsigned guns for the period preceding the revolution? A reluctance to literally label the product that the king didn't want them to produce?
British makers rarely used wood other than Juglans regia, also known as English, French, European, Turkish, Circassian, and Italian walnut. Certainly they used some wood from America but not very often. Very few surviving English guns show other woods like maple. As to names on guns, I don't really think the American makers were too worried about that. The Brits likely would not care about small shops that mostly did repair work and occasionally produced complete guns. They would take notice if some colonial town started up a large business manufacturing guns as happened during the Rev War. Many colonial gunsmiths signed their work as well as many who did not.

I think that is a well written post by @dave_person and I appreciate the time and effort to share that knowledge. However, I don’t agree with the part about Britain “letting us go”. As an American, I believe the outcome of that shooting war goes in the win column for us. If it makes some historian somewhere feel better to think America exists because Britain allowed it, then so be it, but that don’t make it right.
Hi Stykbow,
By "letting us go" I mean the British decided to withdraw support for our war and focus on the Caribbean. They still schemed to keep America after Yorktown but they ultimately read the writing on the wall that they could not win. However, they would fight the French and Dutch to the death to keep their Caribbean assets. I believe the British had only one real chance to win the American War and that was in 1776. If Howe had crushed Washington and his army, which he almost did, the game would have been up. After 1776 as the American army started to grow up and more and more colonists sided with the patriots, the British lost their opportunity. They could never function very well more than 100 miles from a supply port on the coast and the Americans could fall back inland and wait for chances to inflict damage. Washington's major achievement was holding his army together long enough to wear down British resolve. Burgoyne shot the British in the foot with his foolish expedition to take Albany because he wasted scarce British resources and his defeat enticed the French to come into the war. What did the French do first after entering the war? They sent a small fleet to New York and then New England while sending a much larger fleet to attack British possessions in the West Indies. What was one of General Clinton's first acts when taking over from Howe and after evacuating Philadelphia? He reluctantly sent troops to protect British assets in the West Indies. Troops that could have been very valuable to him for fighting the Americans during the later southern campaign. What gave Washington his biggest heartburn with the French during the Yorktown campaign? Trying to coordinate with the French fleet because they were prioritizing attacking the British in the West Indies. DeGrasse could only give Washington a few weeks of service in the Chesapeake before scurrying back south to the Caribbean. Fortunately, that was enough. While we celebrate the Battle of Yorktown, The British celebrate the Battle of the Saints in which their fleet destroyed the French under DeGrasse and saved British Jamaica.

I am in agreement with Dave. The Caribbean was more important to Britian, (As it turns out this was a bit short sighted) but at the time it was felt to be the better deal. As far as the 1812 War, Britian was much more concerned with Napleton then us.
Great discussion!
In my opinion, Britain lost the war because it had outgrown its ability to hold all of its overseas possessions. The US won the war because it demonstrated the willingness, resolve and manpower to outlast the British armies and it’s citizens willingness to throw away manpower and lose revenue from the U.S. This is somewhat similar to Vietnam winning the Vietnam war. The French Colonial masters and their allies gave up and left leaving the North Vietnamese to win by stubbornly resisting against all odds. Not a perfect analogy but it shows that stubborn fighters can win against great world powers if the timing is right.
The War of 1812 had many issues leading up to it. I think the main one was the Louisiana Purchase putting the Western Canadian territory at risk from US settlements as Canada would no longer be protected by the Great Lakes. The English responded by trying to push back at the upper mid west with increase support to the restive native population and it ballooned into a real war that England did not really want (other than its core of imperial warmongers). Napoleon then became a much greater threat to the Home Country and English forces became desperately needed back on European soil.
The war of 1812 had a huge impact on American history as it showed a major weakness in the extreme states rights and small central government that had been in place up to that time. Of course it took the Civil War to settle the issue for a strong central government but the war of 1812 really started it in that direction.
This is just my two cents worth. I am not a historian and I don’t play one on TV. I don’t even claim to be a YouTube influencer only a well read amateur American history Buff.
I decided to write this because of another thread discussing if a Kibler fowler can represent English guns earlier than the 1760s (it does). Participating in that thread, I thought it might be valuable to members of the forum to discuss some of the history surrounding guns such as Jim and Katherine's offering that is important for understanding American and British history particularly on the eve of the 250th anniversary of our revolution. So here goes.

Guns were big business in England during the 18th and 19th centuries. At one point, Birmingham was the largest producer of firearms in the world and in the 1770s, 25% of the total workforce in the city was involved in some way with gun making. During that time, think of England as we think of Japan in the 1970s and 80s, South Korea in the 1990s, and China in the 2000s. It was a nation that depended on exporting manufactured goods. It could not economically support its population without the manufacturing of goods for export. Its colonies in North America were valuable for raw materials but mostly as consumers of British export goods. The real raw resource that England wanted to import was sugar from the Caribbean. Those sugar plantations added revenue to the British government far greater than anything obtained from the American colonies. The value of the American colonies was as consumers. And there lies the rub. This was "merchantilism" pure and simple. Mercantilism is the economic notion that a country needs a strong positive trade balance to thrive and the focus of government was to enhance and protect that trade imbalance. So, England sought to suppress any competing manufacturing and that included the colonies. American colonists were to buy British goods not make them. Consequently, they did not promote arms manufacturing in the colonies. The influx of Germanic gun makers into PA likely increased their heartburn but as the colonial gunsmiths used mainly imported barrels, locks, and hardware, the British exporters were not overly concerned, and Birmingham gun makers could make most guns in demand in the colonies at far lower prices and of much higher quality. Hence the fowler offered by Jim and Katherine represents one of the most common guns owned by colonists. Most colonial gunsmiths could simply not compete unless they offered something very different and desirable as a unique good for sale, or focused on repairs, restocking and importing English and German guns and parts.

American colonial entrepreneurs were stifled. Moreover, the growing American population was not going to just make livings as farmers, retailers of English goods, tobacco planters, fishers, and producers of raw resources. They wanted to create a vibrant agricultural and manufacturing economy filled with jobs and opportunities for their growing population constrained by the British government. That impulse was revealed by the resentment colonists felt at being cut off from new lands to the west despite British and colonial agreements with the native Americans. In my opinion, that was the real reason for our revolution. The business and professional classes of colonists felt themselves in a mercantile cage and wanted out. They were the class of folks who had money and clout within the colonial legislatures and they fomented the rebellion among the working classes many of whom also saw advantages to local rule. The notions of freedom and liberty were mainly expressions of our desires for economic freedom. We already had a lot of other freedoms under British rule. So Kibler's fowler represents the strength and quality of the British economic machine but also symbolizes the economic suppression of colonial manufacture. Now don't get me wrong here. During the Rev War and very shortly thereafter, American businessmen realized the economic benefit of importing guns and gun parts from England right up to the American Civil War. It took America a long time to develop an industrial base that could compete with Britain and British export firearms were hugely popular in America right up to the Civil War.

So let me bring this back to the 18th century. From an economic standpoint, the North American colonies were a sideshow valuable as consumers and as a base for supplies to the really valuable colonies in the Caribbean. The British parliament let us go in the 1780s because they valued the West Indies far more and could not protect both from the French and Dutch. They also had India in their pocket and so except for "National Honor" the American colonies could be cut loose and it would not matter all that much. The proof of the pudding is the British empire and wealth grew immensely after the Rev War and the loss of the American colonies barely had any impact. During the early 19th century, British export guns descendants to Jim and Katherine's fowler were again commonly imported in America and even British-made muskets armed our militia units. We simply could not divorce ourselves from British manufacturing might until the middle of the 19th century.

Excellent Post
I enjoyed the history lesson
Great discussion!
In my opinion, Britain lost the war because it had outgrown its ability to hold all of its overseas possessions. The US won the war because it demonstrated the willingness, resolve and manpower to outlast the British armies and it’s citizens willingness to throw away manpower and lose revenue from the U.S. This is somewhat similar to Vietnam winning the Vietnam war. The French Colonial masters and their allies gave up and left leaving the North Vietnamese to win by stubbornly resisting against all odds. Not a perfect analogy but it shows that stubborn fighters can win against great world powers if the timing is right.
The War of 1812 had many issues leading up to it. I think the main one was the Louisiana Purchase putting the Western Canadian territory at risk from US settlements as Canada would no longer be protected by the Great Lakes. The English responded by trying to push back at the upper mid west with increase support to the restive native population and it ballooned into a real war that England did not really want (other than its core of imperial warmongers). Napoleon then became a much greater threat to the Home Country and English forces became desperately needed back on European soil.
The war of 1812 had a huge impact on American history as it showed a major weakness in the extreme states rights and small central government that had been in place up to that time. Of course it took the Civil War to settle the issue for a strong central government but the war of 1812 really started it in that direction.
This is just my two cents worth. I am not a historian and I don’t play one on TV. I don’t even claim to be a YouTube influencer only a well read amateur American history Buff.
Did you stay at a Red Roof Inn last night?

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