Coal oil pre kerosene

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Grandad and his brothers called it coal oil so we did too. As in a "coal oil stove" and other uses such as doctoring wounds. Took a while later in life to realize what kerosene versus coal oil was even about.
Dad was an old farm boy, he said they used coal oil to shine up a horse's behind for showing farm and fire horses. He'd see a horse and joke about polishing up it's BH with a coal oil rag. As a kid he was given a spoonful of sugar and coal oil for a cough and cold cure all.
It was mentioned in the Dixie Gun Works catalogs at one time. Maybe still is. My Dad said that his parents kept both the kids and the dogs de-wormed with a dose of turpentine every once in awhile. The kids got it on a teaspoon of sugar and the dogs got it in ball of ground meat after his Dad had tossed them a couple of balls to get them used to gobbling them down.
When I was a little kid, Mom “wormed” us once or twice a year by making us take a tea spoon of sugar and turpentine. Seemed to work.
Don’t know for sure where the worms came from. But us kids were always walking, running, and playing around in areas where the cattle would come up by the house outside the yard fence to stand around and watch us out of curiosity sometimes. Must have gotten them out of the dirt somehow.
I found this strange snippet on google about coal oil from cannel coal:

What is coal oil used for?
  • Coal oil can be used as a fuel.
  • It can also be used as a seasoning or in marinades and dressings.
Ewwww .... I'm not pouring cannel coal oil on my salad as a dressing. No wonder people died early from strange advise such as this.

Ohio Rusty ><>
So, is kerosene some sort of refined coal oil?
No range rod. Straight hickory, linseed oil based finish. No gimmicks, no voodoo.
No breakage.
Not me. It’s a finish, not a penetrator. Which is why they used coal oil. Axes, tool handles, and yes even ramrods. If it works for you, cool. I soak mine in synthetic motor oil. 5wt. All substances are repelled.
I don’t even think you can find real coal oil from shale oil these days.
It was mentioned in the Dixie Gun Works catalogs at one time. Maybe still is. My Dad said that his parents kept both the kids and the dogs de-wormed with a dose of turpentine every once in awhile. The kids got it on a teaspoon of sugar and the dogs got it in ball of ground meat after his Dad had tossed them a couple of balls to get them used to gobbling them down.
Up here horses were de-wormed by feeding them a can of snuff, honest, and it worked.
How long have those stones been wet compared to how long your gun flint will be in a jar of water?

Yeah? Great! Makes it better to knapp (let's see an actual scientifically dine study on that 🙄)
Which is not what I want from the flint in my gun. I want it to hold up, not break easier.
In Ohio we have a famous knap in near Flint Ridge where many makers go to buy and sell finished goods and materials. You could ask them about their scientific study.
I also think DC Waldorf mentions it in one of his books.
I keep some flints in a baby jar full of water and pull them out when needed: it's no big deal really.
I've been doing it over 30 years now and will likely continue because I have excellent ignition with all my flintlocks.😁
Straight from crude oil. Kerosene comes as “straight run” on a refinery. I don’t even think it makes it to the reformer. It would come off the crude tower I would think. Like diesel does.
Kerosene would probably still have sulfur in it like coal oil.
Off track here, but what would be the difference between plain old kerosene and jet fuel.

As long as we are on the topic would soaking the rod in jet fuel increase the velocity of the ball??
Stihl chainsaw fuel pre mixed with oil and long shelf life. Dealer said was made from coal oil and made in Germany. New veraion called Motomix fuel - expensive but not from Germany nor coal. Did same soaking of hickory ramrods in kerosene in 70's. Stunk and didn't help ramrod or get close to deer. Didn't prolong life of hickory flatbows either
Crude oil in the US was initially used to obtain kerosene as a replacement for whale oil for lamps which was becoming more expensive.

Until the advent of explosive engines the gasoline was discarded as waste.🙂
Off track here, but what would be the difference between plain old kerosene and jet fuel.

As long as we are on the topic would soaking the rod in jet fuel increase the velocity of the ball??
i understand jet fuel is just a high grade of kerosene like K1 it is refined and has a higher flash point than standard kerosene,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,
In Ohio we have a famous knap in near Flint Ridge where many makers go to buy and sell finished goods and materials. You could ask them about their scientific study.
Unfortunately, That big knap-in at Flint Ridge is no more. It seems Flint Ridge got into a big tiff with the people holding the knap-in. SO they said to heck with you Flint Ridge and they moved the knap-in to Coshocton Ohio. I went to that knap-in last summer and picked up a couple bags of flint spalls to knap into gun flints and have larger spalls for my forged fire steels.
Ohio Rusty ><>

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