Uberti 1860 Army front sight

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40 Cal
Dec 31, 2019
Reaction score
Been thinking about my choices to bring the point of impact down more in line with the point of aim. Finally decided to scratch build this one (tall black outline) out of 1/8" brass thinned to 0.115" at the base and 3/64" at the top.

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I scratch built a sight this morning. Still needs some shaping and polishing, but this one is sacrificial. I'll build a better one after I sight this one in for 75 feet to confirm the height.
Thanks Tom, but from the shape of the curves it looks like it is not tall enough.

Bpd303, calculated was 0.1245".
I figured 0.125" was close enough
That is the issue is the variation is quite wide. My ROA shot 15 inches high at 25 yards before I built my very crude but extremly workable (and adjustable) front sight for it (I was going one direction and due to self inflicted issues went another direction that was better. I had it pretty close to where I wanted it. Also the BP cylinders shoot their loads lower and the unmentionable shoot higher. So, either you adjust to each type or get the average close to POA and let it wander.

I shoot groups for fun, so as long as they are a few inches low or high or left or right is not an issue. Its how good the group is. If I get excited about a load and want to nail it then I can adjust things for that load.
"When I get the sights close, I use Kentucky windage to make up the difference".

Yeah, but my sights were about a foot high at 100 feet. That's a bit much for eyeballing. I scratch built a second sight today, playing with the profile. Deliberately too tall. Still not quite happy with the profile.

Third time will probably be the charm. Top of sight will be a little further aft and base a little longer.

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"When I get the sights close, I use Kentucky windage to make up the difference".

Yeah, but my sights were about a foot high at 100 feet. That's a bit much for eyeballing. I scratch built a second sight today, playing with the profile. Deliberately too tall. Still not quite happy with the profile.

Third time will probably be the charm. Top of sight will be a little further aft and base a little longer.

View attachment 382471
how did you attach the site
Same as original.
Slot width in the barrel is about 0.118".
I made the base of the sight about 0.1185" for a slight interference fit and used blue threadlocker to fill gaps and help secure it.

Above the slot, I tapered the sides of the sight to a top width roughly about 3/64".
Same as original.
Slot width in the barrel is about 0.118".
I made the base of the sight about 0.1185" for a slight interference fit and used blue threadlocker to fill gaps and help secure it.

Above the slot, I tapered the sides of the sight to a top width roughly about 3/64".
OK thanks
I test fired today, and then built the final sight.
Sight height for 50 foot zero shooting .45acp in the 1860 was 0.303".
When I get the sights close, I use Kentucky windage to make up the difference.

Agreed, just got to get it close to where I can make it work. Ball shoots low and 45 Colt shoots high so its pretty much as good as it can get unless I make it adjustable!
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