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  1. The Miner '49er

    Help to ID Derringer type pistol, possibly a Slotter!!

    @Relic shooter, I think I found it. The side plate, grip shape, rounded butt, forecap and oval barrel key plates look like a John Wurfflein derringer as shown on pp.92 and 93. I hope you have the brass tipped wooden ramrod. Good luck!
  2. The Miner '49er

    Help to ID Derringer type pistol, possibly a Slotter!!

    That's a very nice pistol. In my UNprofessional opinion, however, I don't think it's a Slotter. I went through my Wilson and Eberhart book that has 11 pages of Slotter photos. One pistol has a grip cap very similar to yours. Two pistols are shown with metal forecaps like yours. On the negative...
  3. The Miner '49er

    October 30 is National Candy Corn Day!

    @garypl advised to print targets in grayscale to make shooting a little easier. I have a better idea. Next month I'll print at 400%, shoot the target, reduce to 100% and submit the screenshot. It ought to help me. ;)
  4. The Miner '49er

    October 30 is National Candy Corn Day!

    @Salty, does that mean there's hope for me, that I could possibly come in 2nd to last???
  5. The Miner '49er

    October 30 is National Candy Corn Day!

    It's a good thing we're shooting for fun and not for ca$h, and it was fun! OOPS - That's a rifled bore, not a smoothbore.
  6. The Miner '49er

    Channeling Balazs - part 2

    Success. The medieval Foster slugs were as accurate as the ($$) round balls I have been using. You can see some evidence of tumbling but that doesn't matter to me. When I run out of the balls I'll cast some more slugs but I'll deepen the mold cavities a little to get the slugs closer to the...
  7. The Miner '49er

    Channeling Balazs.

    If you have been following the Roman candle handgonne experiment on, like me, you probably found it very interesting. I have been shooting .715" 550gr rbs in my .75" bored gonne using 45gr FF and coffee filters on both sides of the ball. It works well for me. I watched the c&b...
  8. The Miner '49er

    1/4 scale 1841 Six Pounder

    Hey Zulu, can I come play with your toys? WOW!
  9. The Miner '49er

    Capandball got himself a handgonne

    Thanks @TobJohn that was very interesting! He didn't need to caution me to not try this at home, though! I will, however, try to cast some slugs using a mold made from a board. Whether they tumble or not would have been of no consequence in 14th and 15th century warfare. It's also interesting...
  10. The Miner '49er

    DIY cleaning patches

    Not wanting to throw the earth off its axis BUT in addition to the diy cloth patches mentioned in this thread, you might be surprised how well good quality paper towels and paper shop towels work.
  11. The Miner '49er

    Flintlock or percussion for a first purchase?

    From your avatar it looks like you might be using a craplock. Maybe you need one of these. ;)
  12. The Miner '49er

    Chunk Gun

    Sorry, can't offer anything to help, but that's a real beauty.
  13. The Miner '49er

    Which is historically correct, precut patches or cut at muzzle?

    @LRB, if you can find that article, or the source, please post it. Thanks.
  14. The Miner '49er

    WANTED Just looking for now?

    Contact the guys at Deer Creek. They have more odds and ends than they can count.
  15. The Miner '49er

    Need to get rust out of my Bore

    Molasses and water. Never tried it on an rifle bore, but it works. Do a search on the forum to read how to do it.
  16. The Miner '49er

    What is that guy doing?

    Thanks again, Jerry for the info.
  17. The Miner '49er

    What is that guy doing?

    Thanks @Jerry4History. I assume you read French, and if that's correct, does the text explain exactly what the man on the right is applying to the gonne? That's the nut I'm trying to crack.
  18. The Miner '49er

    Permadex Anti-Sieze

    I have used Permatex Nickel Anti-Seize for years following the suggestion of a successful ML shooter of long standing. Never a stuck nipple or touchhole liner. No need to pay a lot more for a supposed ML product, just go to your local auto parts store and buy the smallest tube they have. Apply...
  19. The Miner '49er

    September 1935 American Rifleman Article "Handling the Flintlock Rifle"

    @Grenadier1758, thank you. That was very interesting.
  20. The Miner '49er

    Rust protection.

    Can I use bore butter on rye toast? Is Ren Wax good for a lady's intimate grooming? Would 3 in 1 oil be good to coat a butcher block top? Just asking for friends.;) :horseback: