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  1. D

    Just recieved new book, you may have come across them by other names. They were reffered to as "Rees" or "Rickas" as nicknames. I don't have info in front of me but I think they got ticked either because the traders after L&C weren't "paying" enough tribute to them or one of their chiefs died after leaving...
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    Anyone own a traditions trapper

    Just my personal opinoin here, they shoot good but are very akward to hold.
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    Eagle View’s breeches waist size

    It's been awhile since I tried to make breeches but if I remember I used my current pant size for the pattern. The crotch is what it is, I don't think it is gender specific. It's just the style of the cut.
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    Rb mold

    Thanks, for the link.
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    Rb mold

    I tried searching for this topic but it did not come up after the search just this thread popped up. Do you have any more info like the topic name? Thanks
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    Tummbling round balls

    I tumbled a batch one time, like everyone else I didn't notice any improvements other than apperance.
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    Fire damaged Hawken

    Work on getting it to someone fairly soon. There are things (not sure what) in a house that when they burn the smoke will etch metals over time. Some things will etch faster than others. At least give it a good cleaning to get any smoke residue off until you can get it to a pro. Basic...
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    Swaping Barrels

    I'm not sure if someone would have another barrel or not but if they did it would be really heavy. You are going to have a lot more barrel there going from a 62 to a 32. I'm trying to figure out if it's worth it or not to go from a heavy .45 to a .50 just to lighten the rifle.
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    Pup Tent, Dog Tent, Shelter Half...

    That's awesome, thanks for the link.
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    Pup Tent, Dog Tent, Shelter Half...

    I know Dog Tents where used in the Civil War. Anbody know of any earlier documentable tents of this class? I'd espicially be interested if it had doors or a bell type thing like the modern military shelter halves and maybe no taller than 4-5 ft. Thanks
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    Trekking vs Survival Hunt

    Absolutley, :applause: The "period correctness" of the trips soley depends on what the people going want to accept. I've been on trips where it was very PC, to point you did your best to take medications in a way that would not be "noticed" and some where there was a guy wearing modern boots...
  12. D

    Found a book...

    That's sounds like a good book. Thanks for the tip, let us know how it turns out.
  13. D

    Jim Bridger Song

    Not positive about the facts in the song, but it's got a catchy tune. Link
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    Wooden pack frames ?

    I've never seen a supplier for frames. They are fairly easy to make and there are couple of different types of frames. Making them comfortable is the toughest part. I made one years ago and never used it because I just couldnt figure out how to use it without torturing myself. I still have...
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    Last of the Mohicans Movie?

    Not sure where you can find the original release, but the Directors cut is pretty good. It has more scene's that didn't make into the theater. Some of the stuff that was cut makes some of the other parts make more sense. It's been awhile since I watched it so I forget the details but I...
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    Inquiring Minds Want To Know

    I got two of Mike Moore's books. Started reading the first one last night. So far it is excellent!
  17. D

    How far do you carry a traditional hunt?

    I think the fine line is drawn where ever the individual hunting is most comfortable with it. While deer hunting this year, a 4 day trip, we dressed and for the most part camped as period as we were willing. Our dress was right on (as far as we can tell and can document). We slept in a...
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    Across the Wide Missouri

    I was surprised to walk out with two books. It's probably one of those things that had I been looking for them, they wouldn't have been there.
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    Across the Wide Missouri

    OK, I can see how this is gonna go... I guess it's going to have to be the eeny meeny miney moe method cause Ima gonna start one of them right now.
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    Across the Wide Missouri

    What are opinions on Mr. DeVoto's book? I'm torn between starting this one first or one on John Colter. Amazingly I scored both books in the same trip to the bookstore... I almost thought I won the lottery :grin: