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  1. D

    Side seam hard sole plains mocs

    Another option could be a Navajo styled moc from Kaibab Moccasins, they are not a "plains" style but have been in use for hundreds of years. They have a thick rawhide sole with no stitching exposed to wear away. They are slippery in grass and duff though but wear like iron. I've got two pairs...
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    Safety question

    I've never marked a rod. In the same breath though, I need to say I have pulled a few perfectly good loads cause I wasn't sure.
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    Coneing, I did it. Joe wood tool

    Don't forget the last issue of Muzzleloader where M. Baker talks about the guy that built his rifle. He coned it by hand with hand files. I'm constantly amazed what true craftsman are able to do with tools I "think" I know how to use.
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    who can replicate a stock?

    Gunstocks Plus may be able to do it. The owner is a good guy, I ordered a custom cut (barell channel) stock from him. As always I suggest give him a call first and talk to him.
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    How do I use a Tinder/Fire Tube?

    I tried again last night with different steels that I had and the better the steel the easier it was to catch the 1/2" batting. One steel I have will catch a wide piece of char cloth easy (not many hot sparks) but was difficult to work on the tinder tube. My other 3 strikers worked fine, I was...
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    How do I use a Tinder/Fire Tube?

    After playing around yesterday I finally got the 1/2" batting to catch. I'm going to keep messing with it. Wick you said "sheathed" cotton batting the batting stuff that I have only has a cotton thread netting (for lack of a better term) holding it together. Is this what you are talking about...
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    Though I'd like to use the flinter I'm leaning towards the perc. in part for the reason you mention and also because I'm going to be so stoked, that I think there is less to worry about in getting the cap to go bang and still get the ball where I want it. Along those same lines I am confident...
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    I've finally gotten drawn and am preparing for my first ever deer hunt. I am debating which one of two rifles to make my primary rifle(I am planning on bringing two rifles just in case something happens to one). My choice is between a .50 percussion or a .58 flint. I'm planning to use PRB in...
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    How do I use a Tinder/Fire Tube?

    Do you do anything to the batting? I've got some and continue to play with it but it seems like the inside burns at a different rate than the outside, and none of it wants to catch a spark.
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    How do I use a Tinder/Fire Tube?

    It's a difficult process to become efficient with. To start with if you are trying to use the cotton batting stuff...good luck, I haven't figured that one out yet. Check your rope to make sure it is 100% cotton, anything else and it won't do, alot of that stuff has a synthetic core. I've...
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    Spring stock

    If you are looking for a flat spring I made one out of a masonary nail once for a release. Ground it down carefully making sure not to get it to hot quenching after every pass on the grinder. Took some time but to my knowledge is still working.
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    The Most Accurate Gun I Own

    Lyman GPR...Just wanted to take a second and throw out a big, I love this rifle. I shoot mostly flintlock longrifles but I am by far most accurate with my GPR. I took it out again today and after cleaning it (which is also much easier) I'm wondering why I don't shoot it more often. Because...
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    Cutting patches at the muzzle

    I use the flat handle of the knife I'm cutting the patch with to push the ball into the bore. Then on one gun I get out the short starter, the others I can just use the rod to puch it the rest of the way.
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    Eating utensils

    In the kitchen gadget of any grocery store there are shallow wooden spoons with long handles that are real cheap. Cut the handle down to the size you want maybe take a few passes with a blade to give it the "carved" look and you got a good spoon. I've been using one for about 12 years. It's...
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    Everyday use of C&B revolver

    I read or heard somewhere that Ole Wild Bill pulled and reloaded his pistols everyday to ensure that they would be fresh and would not fail him. If he did that he probably cleaned them thouroghly then Don't know if it is true or not though.
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    Coneing part 3

    How do you ensure that you have an even cone or radius doing it by hand? If the taper was not even couldn't it change the stabilization of the ball and utmatley change the POI? Or is it just not that critical to have it exact because the ball has already stabilized by the time it is exiting...
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    Coneing part 3

    I think their article made my head hurt. I know they were trying to be scientific about it but for my purposes they went to far. From actual people that have had it done they have all said it is the best thing that they've done and it hasn't affected accuaracy in their opinion. I'm going to...
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    cleaning full stock flintlock

    I tried the flush kit again yesterday. I tightened it down real good and made sure it was centered over the touch hole. Had some minor seepage but over all vast inprovment from before. I think I was not tightening it down tight enough.
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    cleaning full stock flintlock

    I got one of those from Track of the Wolf. The first couple of times I tried it I really made a mess. After almost giving it up I thought I would try one more time. Using it for flushing only (it doesn't seem to want to take the pressure of a cleaning jag forcing the water out) it worked much...
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    G.F. Ruxton

    I hadn't picked up on that (usually have to read a book a couple of times) Is his Adventures in Mexico worth a read? Is it factual?