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  1. N

    Early wheellock mechanism

    I don't have the book, but I live next door to the Armouries. Close enough :grin: The early wheellock there has a mechanically opened cover, there's a hook that's connected to the pan cover which fits into a reccess in the wheel, when it spins it hits the curved edge and swings open the pan...
  2. N

    What brand of traditional snowshoes?

    I have a couple old pairs of Iversons which I swear by, big Michigans. They used to have innertube binding, with an extra rolled up and tied to the toes, but I replaced them with Bob Makis. Maybe not as traditional as straps, but I find that they hold better and are easier to get on (though...
  3. N

    Early wheellock mechanism

    I've been thinking again about early wheellocks, after seeing the pictures posted of the wheellock/mace that's on the block. Trying to figure out how the lock works, I flipped through other pictures I have of early wheellocks, and I noticed the wheelie/mace lock bears a resemblance to the...
  4. N

    Wheellock sear question

    But they are the caretakers of the artifacts. From their website: Royal Armouries Regulations Volatpluvia, something like this? The more I think about it, the better it seems. The trigger and axle would have to be heat treated flawlessly, though, a little to hard or soft and the pieces...
  5. N

    Wheellock sear question

    I spent another few hours in the armouries yesterday, and a good amount of time in front of this particular piece. I remembered to bring a notebook this time so I could record some observances I made. From the card: "Wheellock Pistol Hungarian or Italian, about 1530 XII.1765" Unfortunately...
  6. N

    Wheellock sear question

    I went to the Royal Armouries on Saturday, and while there saw a fascinating little wheellock pistol dated c. 1530. From the bottom I couldn't quite make out the sear mechanism, everything was on the outside as the only wood part was the handle, but the sear and triggering mechanism were hidden...
  7. N

    Bent barrel

    'Fraid not :redface: The hat was a gift from my Dad, who works on building ships and hardware for the Navy. It's become my shop hat after years of wear (and tear).
  8. N

    Bent barrel

    Thanks all, I think I'll just install the barrel "bend up". Here's a pic of the barrel in question:
  9. N

    Bent barrel

    It's basically a barrel blank: no touch hole, breechplug, or anything else.
  10. N

    Bent barrel

    I was inspecting some prefabricated parts that are going on to the matchlock I'm building, and noticed something I hadn't noticed before. The barrel is bent just a tiny bit. I checked it with a bar of flatstock, and it's not a swamped barrel, it's a definite bend. It's perhaps 3 millimeters...
  11. N

    gun buiders match

    I certainly do like that blue matchlock. It's certainly unique, you must be darned easy to pick out in a crowd! :hatsoff: Cheers, Nick
  12. N

    Dovetailing a barrel

    Thanks! Must've missed that in the search :redface:
  13. N

    Dovetailing a barrel

    Hello, I mentioned in another thread that I'm planning on building a matchlock, and part of that planning is doing my best to have all the details I can think of covered before I start. I'm pretty much set except for one thing that's been puzzling me for a while, dovetailing the pan. What...
  14. N

    Of barrels and breech plugs

    It's a .50 cal barrel. Patrick, the idea to cut down the barrel sprang from an idea I had to use the 8" for a pistol, which I also want to build. I may end up not cutting the 8" off, I've got a couple weeks before I even begin the project and I just got a good bar of wrought that may become...
  15. N

    Of barrels and breech plugs

    I've been blacksmithing for several years now, and I've always toyed with the idea of making a gun from scratch, but was putting it off until I had enough experiance and enough wrought iron to make a barrel. Well, I think I've got enough experiance at working iron now to try, I've built a gun...
  16. N

    New member

    Thanks, guys. I certainly hope I have something valuable to contribute, and after watching the forum for so long, I see I have a lot to learn as well! But if there's two things I love to do, it's learning about something, then going out and doing it. Cheers, Nick
  17. N

    New member

    Hello all, I've been lurking for quite a while, but never posted, so I figure now's a good time to start. I only have one muzzleloader, a Traditions Kentucky I built from a kit. I also have a Pedersoli pistol, but I haven't built it yet (maybe this summer). I don't have the opportunity to...