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  1. W

    where to buy replacement maple delux stok for pedersoli frontier

    Pedersoli sells a deluxe maple stocked model of the Frontier rifle. Contact them and see if you can buy a replacement stock.
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    Cap Jamming
  3. W

    .31 cap 'n ball=.32 PRB?

    I use 0 buck in both. The rifle is a tight load but accurate. Biggest problem is that Hornady no longer makes 0 size buckshot. :idunno:
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    RB tolerances; Crolckett rifle

    Sure, I used .320 buckshot in my Crockett. It was just a tighter load. You most likely will not even need to change patch material. :thumbsup:
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    40 cal. Hunting loads

    I have taken quite a few Central Texas whitetails with a Vincent .40 loaded with 60 grains of 3F with no problem. I have also taken a bunch of feral hogs from 30-150 pounds with the little .40. Very few drop on the spot unless head shot, but they drop in a reasonable distance and usually leave...
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    Inspired by Stumpy

    I found out that some of the lead pellets for air rifles come in great tins. After you burn off the paint you can beat out the lids if you want, japan them or just leave them as they come out of the fire and oil them a little.
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    First long rifle build in 26 years

    What memories you are making. :thumbsup:
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    Whats Is Going On In Texas?

    Will there be any vendors or gun builders there? Thanks, ET :idunno:
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    89 grains?

    Remember the Pedersoli is not a true 12 gauge but a 13 gauge as a plastic wad fits in the barrel perfectly just as it does in a shotgun shell. Their 10 gauge is really and 11 gauge. :idunno:
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    Looking for Hornady #0 Buckshot

    Not just any hornady dealer will have it. They quit making it so most of the dealers are sold out and there will be no more. I was hoping someone would know of someplace that still had some of the old stock.
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    Looking for Hornady #0 Buckshot

    Does anyone know of any place that still has Hornady #0 Buckshot for sale? Thanks, ET :idunno:
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    choosing 36 caliber

    I have been shooting blackpowder for over 40 years and never built anything more than a TC kit or two though I always wanted too. I also always wanted to build my own cedar canoe or kayak and finally built one a little over a year ago. I have now built three cedar boats. I bet rifle building...
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    Elephant Powder ???

    That is the exact reason I bought it. Just in case I can't get Goex and that I got a good price. It had been stored in a gunsafe so it looks fine. ET :thumbsup:
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    Elephant Powder ???

    I just obtained several pounds of Elephant in 2F and 3F powders. Do I need to adjust my loads for the change in brand from Goex? Anyone have any experience with this powder? Thanks, ET :idunno:
  15. W

    Veteran;s Arms Kentucky Pistol

    Can anyone tell me anything about this pistol? Is is sound, junk, ok? I was thinking of one for for a shotgun pistol for snakes and small game on the trail. Thanks for you knowledge or opinion, ET :idunno:
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    Lead Shot For Casting Round Balls

    I have been shooting Hornady #0 .320 buckshot in my .32 Cherokee for years and it works great. Now Hornady has quit making it. If anybody has any they want to sell please send me a note. ET :idunno:
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    New coach gun

    Here is my Pedersoli 12 gauge with 14.5 inch barrels and it is deadly on small game. :thumbsup:
  18. W

    .40 for hogs?

    I have killed a pickup load of Texas hogs with a .40 Vincent loaded with 50 grains FFFg and it works fine. Keep the shots under 50 yards and put the ball where it will do some good. We hunt them at night with .223 here and it puts them down. Very seldom are they over 200 pounds. :idunno:
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    Muzzleloading magazines

    It would be nice to have a magazine for traditional shooting and hunting. I don't wear fancy clothes or uniforms, buckskins or frocks. I don't go on treks or long trips but I do shoot for fun and hunt in the old ways and there is so little out there published about that these days. My hunting...
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    Muzzleloading magazines

    What other muzzleloading magazines are available? :idunno: